Birth of $Phire (Pt. 2)

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Mother nature woke me up early today and "Alexa play I feel good." I was in a frenzy and I danced and sang all the way to the bathroom. My overnight flower bath was set now and so I hopped my Chimmy PJ's into my laundry basket and jumped into the huge bathtub.
My skin thawed into the 'flora-scent' bath and brought utter relaxation to my mind, body and soul. In the meantime, I lathered my Neutrogena face cream on to protect my skin from any reactions to the face mask I was about to put on.
Today I'll be using a strawberry-coconut face mask. I don't why these days I'm using everything strawberry or with it, but why not?!
So I'll apply that to my face and and soak in my bathe. See you in two hours.
Heyyyyyyyy... I'm back and as you can see I'm in my daytime O.O.T.D. (see picture 1 above) Today I'm going to chill with my baby🎇🎇🎇🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊 , Char. She said it's a surprise where we are going, however, I know it's just to keep me occupied for the day. I was feeling a little extra today so I wore one of my nude heels. I got my $Phire inspired style curled and my edges slayed. She's eighteen babyyyyy. Yesss your girl is eighteen!
So I drove my new 2018 cherrymist jeep, one of two vehicles I got from my dad. I picked up Char from her house. The whole drive she was just talking about my surprise and how she couldn't wait for me to see it. So between her and the GPS system, I was slightly going crazy.
After twenty minutes and reaching our destination, Char hurried walked in the direction of a red Aventador. Then I saw it was Dillon, who waved at me then sped out.
I looked up at the building and why the hell was I at a music studio as a surprise?
Suddenly, I felt arms wrapped around me and I almost got into defence mode. I turned to see that it was Kris. We hugged and he brought me in for a kiss.
He didn't say anything he just held my hands and carried me up the glass elevator. The interior of the building was beautiful. I got a clip for that on snap.
Kris said hi to a few ppl and me being the social butterfly, I said hello with them. He swiped open his studio and he sat me down on his desk. He was now waiting on his iMac to boot up and so he was there thudding his fingers constantly on the desk. His actions captured my attention and my eyes zoomed in, for the first time, at his pretty fingers.

Sapph: Awwww your fingers are so pretty. [Speaks in mandarin and smiles cheekily after]
Kris: *looks at up at me with a sexy glare*
And you're the prettiest doll on earth. *He also says in mandarin*

A little after that, we were just to each his/her own kinda thing and then I heard the door beeped open. I was too engaged in my phone to notice the voices that came in. I guess they said something to me, however, I had my wireless earpods in so yea... no response from me. Kris tapped my exposed thigh and I quickly took my pods out and looked at him.

Kris: *chuckles* They've been trying to get
your attention for quite sometime now.
Sapph: Oh. *Looks at the two older men and
smiles clearly embarrassed.*
Man 1: We were telling you happy birthday.
Sapph: Thank you.
Man 2: Oh you look really, really great. I
Kris: Hey Riyo! Back off... Calm down...not
your station.
Man 1: Oh, but she's your lady? *Smiles*
Kris: Uhh- you- c-can say that.
Sapph: *slaps his shoulder* Don't lie buddy.
(Hugs him just for the sake of
teasing) You know you're my little
fortune cookie. *plays with his
cheeks* Aeygo!
[The two men behind the glass burst out in laughter at a pouting Kris.]

Riyo: My little fortune cookie! *Teases him*
Ahhh Kris!
Man 1: *wipes his tears of hilariousness*
Kris the song is ready.
Kris: Yes!

They all go out of the room so I put my earpods back in and finish responding to some of my birthday messages and important emails. I can't get through emails without listening to my iTunes playlist.
I left my baby pink LV bag on his shelf and went out to explore the studio after I took the Executive visitor's pass from you it. I came down to a middle floor where there were a numerous amount of people going to and fro the area. I looked to my right and saw a huge cafeteria where a lot of people, probably employees were.
Now I regret not taking my shades with me. Anywho, I felt for a blueberry kiwi acai latte and maybe a snack because it has been two hours since I've eaten. I wasn't that hungry anyways because I had a whole birthday breakfast with my parents and Seth at about seven before they left.
The line was kinda way too long for my liking and I don't join lines. So I sat in a lounging couch and made my order to Starbucks through Postmates. I briskly walked back in the direction of the elevator to go back up because Kris was calling me, however before I could go into the elevator, some male and females recognized me and yelled my name...😲
I quickly raise my hands toward them and skipped into the elevator before the crowd drew near. I answered Kris' call and told him I was coming up. When I did, it took me a long walk back because men in their twenties and older were constantly impeding my movement, luckily I saw Kris who was talking to some people in the waiting area.

Sapph: OMG Kris!
(Looks up at her and motions to the people to give him a minute)
He briskly comes to meet me half way and I hug him from behind trying to mask myself from the four men coming after me.

Kris: What is it princess?
As soon as he asked he saw the men bending the corner where the waiting area is. They saw me and then looked at Kris who was holding me by his side. I looked near disgruntled at what they wanted to come and do, however, their next action left me astonished. They saw Kris just standing there and turned back with fearful expressions on their faces.
I looked at Kris and he chuckled after blowing off a sigh of relieved worry from his forehead. He then hugged and took me back to the people to whom he was speaking to. He introduced me to them and continued talking. Never once did he stop hugging me until he finished talking; he held my hand and took me back to his studio.

Kris: Why'd you go downstairs again?
Sapph: I went exploring. Then I felt for a
snack but the line was way too long a
wait for my little feet.
Kris: So do you still want to eat?
Sapph: Kind of, ... it's fine because my
order will be here in-
Delivery man: Order for Sapphire?!
[Comes around the corner to see us]
Sapph: Me!
D. Man: *hands me the order with a smile*
Happy birthday from Starbucks.
Have a good day.
Sapph: Thank you, sir. You too, I will.
*He exits down the hallway.*
Here you go Kris. [Hands him a
pumpkin spiced latte, his fave]
Kris: Thank you little baby.

Kris carried our stuff into his studio and I saw that a really nice song was playing. Kris put down the stuff on the coffee table outside and went to replay the song. We were the only ones in the room but I didn't mind what was going on because the essence of the song had me in a trance.
I unfolded the flap of the huge Starbucks bag and I saw a number of items in there plus two gift cards with a note on a glitter card saying Happy birthday Starbucks baby, enjoy your treats from us.
Besides my blue cream cheese bagel, there was a box of mini sprinkled donuts, chocolate lava cookies and another box with strawberry velvet cupcakes. I snapped my gifts and too another of me vybing to the song with Kris.

Sapph: Is this new?
Kris: It is. I made it with you as an aspiration,
so it's for you. Happy birthday again
Sapphire. [ Then he kneels down and
opens a Tiffany & Co. box with a shiny
necklace and bracelet set. Then he
hands me another Gucci box. I opened
It to see a watch.]

Sapph: Omg, thank you Kris. I'm so grateful
for all this. I appreciate everything.
*hugs him tightly* Thank you.

Kris : You're welcome little baby.
Oh here. * gives her a CD*
That's the song you're listening to now.
Sapph: *nodds and continues to enjoy her
bagel.* Will you be done soon?
Kris: Not for the next hour or so.
* Walks out of the booth and comes in
front of me* Do you want to go
somewhere? (Pulls her up into his
Sapph: I have to leave in the next fifteen
Kris: Well we can do something in those
minutes. (He swipes his thumb over
my lips)

He sits on the chair was sitting on and pulls me down to sit on his lap. He holds me closely by my neck and conceals my lips with a tensive kiss and further deepens it. He strokes every exposed skin on me. We were soon into the hit makeout session. He put me on top of the table after pushing the bag to the side. Afterward, he towered over my small frame in between my legs. His fingers ran up and down my back. We both were grinding on each other, as a result, which led to soft moans being emitted from our mouths.
His hands charged up to my thighs, however, I placed my hands on his to make him stop. He soon stopped and then was making kiss trail down to my breasts. He lingered there for a while giving me heavily absorbitant pleasure. In the meanwhile, my hands travelled under his shirt as I felt every inch of his upper body and back.

Kris: Are you sure you have to leave?
Sapph: I'm sure.
Kris: Okay, well five minutes left.
*Pecks and sucks at my lips in
between words*

He helps me up off the table and carries me to sit on him in his chair in the booth. He goes back to working while rubbing my tummy with his left hand. He looked so sexy focusing and all serious. I stared at him while he worked and at one point I caressed his face.

Kris: Hey stop distracting me. You sitting on
me is enough. I'm trying not to rip your-

As soon as he was about to finish, his dad and two security guards walked in. My eyes were almost popping out as I was left in shock at what Kris was about to insinuate. Kris was unphased by his dad's presence in the room nor did he look concerned that his dad might have heard him say that.
I stood and went to go hug Mr. Wu and Kris just said a mere "Hi dad" and pulls me back down on him as he sat. Kris stopped what he was doing as his dad was talking to him and I just put in my earpods not wanting to hear their conversation.
Kris was playing with my thighs through the criss-cross strings in the meantime causing me to look down at his hands every now and then. Idk why but, in the midst of them talking, I found myself drifting off to sleep; turning myself and resting my head in the crook of Kris' neck. Slowly but surely sleep took over me.
Kris followed me down to the garage with my bag and then I took it from him and put it on the passenger seat as I hopped into the jeep. It's beyond me how I fell asleep like that on Kris without budging. Anywho, as soon as Kris was finish putting all my gifts and stuff on the back seat, I told him later and drove off while calling back who has been sending me multiple calls and imessages asking where I was. I was about half an hour late to go to the next surprise stop Char had in store for me. However, the birthday girl should never be rushed.

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