"First Day"

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So it is officially the first day of school in a new year and the trip with Char and I to Puerto Rico was crazy although 80% of it was for gymnastics. That is, we were sent to represent the international elite of gymnasts in their all week convention in Puerto Rico as the two-year tenure junior ambassadors. It was an intense work scheme and especially having to travel immediately after new years week and all the festivities.
       Anywho, we had arrived back in England late Sunday evening. By the time I reached home I didn't even get to unpack I just crashed in bed thanks to jetlag.
       My alarm woke me at eight, nine-ish. I got up to observe that I was still in the clothes I came home in however, I didn't care. I sauntered down the stairs remembering not about the elevator.

Mom: Oh here you are! Come sweetie, the
           hair stylist is waiting.
           *Sapph stares and mom takes her
           hand and carries her to her cosmetics
           room* My sleepy baby. *Chuckles*
           Sapph go wash your face and get back
           here. *Nods and does as told*
     The sun beamed at me through the very much open blinds, nonetheless, it was clear that outside was still cold. I am now taking my very warm shower and all of a sudden my 7 am alarm went off. Curses to the sun, I got up wayyyyyy before my alarm.
     After showering, I put my undergarments and uniform on with my red honours vest and my hooded sweater because it was going to be cold. I took my already packed knapsack and threw it on my bed.
     I took off my night cap while looking at myself in the full body mirror. You know I don't remember choosing to dye my ends burgundy however it looks nice so far in the rods. With such excitement to see the finished, I proceeded to pull the stuff out watching the curls drop one by one. It was quite a lot to take out so I called Georgetta who helped me quickly.
     It took me 20 mins. the least to get the rods out. Anywho, I gave my hair a 3/4 part and brushed down the parted sections. Now I'm ready to go. I put on my black puma platformed shoes (custom-made) and quickly draw my socks up to my knees as balanced my bag on my back and my iPhone in my mouth going into the elevator. A mean there's no way I could take the stairs.
     Oh and stupid Seth is still here because his semester starts the second to last week of January. Seth was in the elevator and saw me struggling, did nothing but be amused at my bewilderment. Uuughhh!
     I got my socks fixed and dashed into the elevator before it closed and spitefully dropped my bag on his foot as I went browsing on my phone.

Seth: Ah! [Puts my bag on the side and
          hushes his toe...no his stupid yeezys]
          I'm sorry big brother. [ He mumbles as
       If he wants me to say it on his demand.]

    It was too late as the elevator had opened up for me to get out and I casually said good morning to dad who stood puzzled with his cup of coffee looking on at a babbling Seth.
He told me good morning, shrugged his shoulders and went in the direction of his office.
     Aaaagghhh, what a lovely day.

     So after I ate breakfast with mom and whiny Seth, I went down into the garage to get in Baby sil' (my silver car). I've never driven her to school before so I said why the heck not.
     I had 15-20 minutes tops to get to school and so I quickly sped off after going through the gate because I have to get my morning latte first and then I don't want to be late as head prefect. It would look bad.
     I got to school at 7:50 and took my place beside Char and Sol on the platform which is where the heads along with headmasters are situated for assembly and important occasions.
     So Teylor and I are official as of the last day of our Paris trip. I'm so happy that I was smiling throughout the entire headmasters speech barely listening.

Char: Sapph?
[ She consistently taps my shoulder]
Sapph: Mhmm...?
Char: Assembly is over.
Sapph: Oh yeahhhhhh.

      Char and I walk behind Sol Inthe line to get off the platform and I lifted my head to see Teylor, who is the male head prefect, by the left wing door ensuring students exit the hall orderly. I squeezed my Marc Jacobs coat covering my arm ànd followed behind Char  as we were by now midway to the exit and laughing with the others around us.
      I was about approaching Teylor and his Tom Ford fragrance was reaching already. He turned his head and we instantly made eye contact. Uuughhh...I'll always melt at those gorgeous eyes, I thought. He smiled from ear to ear at me and I gushed and smiled back putting my hair behind my ear.
      Char and Sol who exited before me had gone ahead with Dillon and Cole. Teylor drew me out of the line and positioned me beside him with a cute giggle then in 0.1 seconds his face went back to being serious as he directed the others out of the hall. It was all funny though because most of them were his friends.

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