$Phire Clothing Launch

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When I arrived at the play mansion, I heard music overcrowding my ears and to think that this wasn't all that of a party. I took out my second outfit for the day. (See outfit above) As if on cue, Char met me outside looking mighty fine. Anywho, she took my bag from me and I went to go change in one of the rooms. I stopped dead in my tracks as I remembered the bag I got from Starbucks.
I alerted Char and threw her my keys for her to get the goods. Luckily, she is a good catcher because I don't expect to use my spare keys anytime soon. I hurriedly went up the stairs because my stylists were waiting and I am very considerate as it is when it comes to these things.
My face was well beat for my next surprise and my curls fixed, not that it needed much fixing though. I put on my outfit for the moment. My shirt said, "She's $Phire!" Anyways, I went to take official pictures downstairs. Soon after, I followed Char's instructions and made my way out to the other building.
I was on the walkway when Char came and hooked her hands in mine and we entered the hugely spaced hall. There were a lot of my gymnastics teammates and dancemates here and some other people from other teams. To the sides there were a lot of booths and food tents set up and at the centre there was a huge glowing sign that said, "WELCOME TO $PHIRECON"
The room was packed with a whole lot of people everywhere and there were people still coming in. All of my new clothing styles were on display. And about five tables with cashier's were around the area. I will always knew my business manager would do this but I didn't know it would've today.
A lot of news people were here and I saw some very interesting people here. I didn't realize until now that Char and the girls were wearing my merch until her, Sol, Bria and some boys came over to me. There was another section parted off where the music I heard from outside was booming louder than ever. Char told me that the main event is about to start and all my friends bear hugged me and carried me first to the carpet and then my publicity team carried me around to several different interviews. Of course, I dragged my business manager with me. At one point I saw a message from Dior's Miss Michael. I was so overjoyed.
People of all ages were here and I would cry, however, I am in a happy place right now. My publicity team carried my friends and I to a section for fan meet &signing. Even though my friends were not in business with me, they had a huge following as well. I was surprised at how super long the lines were.
The day ended with a concert-like event and I can't believe all of this was done without me knowing or having the slightest clue. It was kind of strange being down in the audience looking up at all my dance teammates and gymnasts performing. I've never ever sat and watch an official performance. I'm just so used to being out there on stage.
The highlight of my day was when my crush of ten years old, Austin Mahone, came and did his song set. I can't believe, I mean I was so embarrassed when he said to me, "Charlotte told me you once had a crush on me..." I couldn't for the life of me look up on that stage until he and everyone laughed at my reaction and he went on to do his performance.
$Phirecon ended around five or so and I went home with Seth, who drove my jeep because he didn't drive today and he is the only one going to be home with until new years week. So yea, my parents are gone back to work and so it'll be the first time my parents won't be around to celebrate my birthday with me. It's fine though because tonight my friends and I finally get to go to an adult club. This club is for the fully affluent, however, my Dad booked it out for the whole night for me and my many friends, I guess. LOL
All the same, I'm so excited and I can't wait to turn up and have the time of my eighteen year old life! 

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