Chapter Nine

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I look up, a country stands before me. I was certain there was no one else here which leads me to believe that this country also has powers.

It was a country I've met before,

"Russia??!" A choked on air, he turned his head towards me. I couldn't make out how he looked. I always thought all of these kinds of countries were in the same team. But it seemed like he was protecting me from Indo.

This probably means that they're fighting over who can kill me first. Which means there's probably a reward for being first. Maybe.

I still didn't know what the Russian's ability is, I just knew he appeared out of thin air somehow. "Screw off Indo," he growled.

"Ugh such a nuisance, she killed my brother I must avenge him." He raised his bamboo and slashed through the Russian. Only he wasn't there anymore.

"Huh??" Indo looked around very confused, "so straightforward and predictable," Russia was at the other side of the room. In the bar, he was looking through the shelves I'm guessing for vodka.

Then Russia frowned, he didn't find the vodka he wanted. "What kind of Casino doesn't have Vodka!" He facepalmed himself. Then he glared at the Indonesian.

Suddenly a flash of light appeared where the Russian was and the next second he was In front of Indo. His ability is teleportation.

He started teleporting around Indo and attacking him at the same time. The Indonesian couldn't react fast enough Because once Russia punched him he was gone. And it just kept repeating.

Indonesia seemed tattered, barely even standing. I mean I respect him from being able to stand that many punches from such a strong country in general. Without the powers of course.

Indo dropped to the ground, Barely holding on to his conscience. "I didn't kill your brother Indo, I spared him, he went easy on me so you could have your fun with me."

"Thank you.." he smiled, "good game," then he blacked out. "So I'm guessing there's Phil left," Russia said behind me which startled me. I jumped up immediately and put myself in a battling stance.

"Woah woah I'm not gonna kill you," he placed his hands up like a criminal. I watched him suspiciously, was he telling the truth or not? "Green and Tica told you to come to a country right? That's me."

I widened my eyes and I put my guard down a little. Russia seemed to notice this and eased up a little. "How do you have abilities and not want to kill me like everyone else?"

"Dunno, It just happened, everyone else has abilities like I do but seem to have an undying desire to kill you, I guess I'm the odd one." He simply shrugged.

"And for the better, anyway do you know why they wanna kill me??"

"No idea, but with me here, you can start theorizing, we need to get out of here though."

"Ah yeah! Phil is the last one, I won't be able to make it considering I couldn't even make though Indo."

"I'll help you so let's go," he waved over for me to follow him, he was already in front of the elevator.

"But do heal up first," he pointed at my wounds.

"Oh right."


China walked through the streets of Las Vegas, burning the street lamps around him while he walked. "Do you think the Commie got to her already?" The shorter country emerged from the shadows. Retracting his tentacles.

"Most likely, after all considering his ability.." the chinese man trailed off. "Well then let's just wait, after all she'll fall right into the trap."


One day China offered to sell me a laptop, after all I really needed one and what easier way to get it than to ask the country itself. Saves the time and energy.

"Alright the laptop is $XXX, cash or credit?" He crossed his arms and smirked. "Cash I guess," I started to pull out my wallet.

"Hold on," another voice chimed in. There stood Indo looking at us in a displeasing manner. "It shouldn't be that expensive," he narrowed his eyes at China.

"Sounds fishy, (Y/N) he's probably trying to rip you off don't buy it.." he told me. China broke into laughter, an Asian laugh. "How funny,since when did you care about her?"

Indo's face turned beet red, "I always have! No quit ripping her off!" He shoved the taller country. China tumbled a little before standing properly again like it was nothing.

Indo cares about me, despite being rowdy and immature, he cares. It reassuring to have him care. I mean he gets nothing in return but he still does. I makes me smile.

"How funny," China was still laughing like the ultimate Asian he is. His eyes then turned into slits, he analyzed both of us before smirking again. "I'll give it to her for free."

"W-what??" I shouted in disbelief, China stood unfazed. "Asu! Apaan ini?? (Bitch, what the heck??)"

China handed me a laptop, and walked out to leave, "it seems the Indonesian cares quite a lot for you." He said before leaving.

I looked over at Indo who was also frozen in shock. "That goddamn rich Asian.." he muttered. "Thank you for sticking up to me and caring for me," I mumble.

"It's not like that, I just hate it when China rips off people for shit that isn't supposed to be as expensive as it is!" He flushed red. I just laugh.

No matter how much he denies it everyone knows the truth. "Indo!" A familiar Malaysian shouts out.

"Goddammit stop splitting up!" Malay punched Indo in the gut. "Ouchhh," he groaned.

"Let's get going, it's getting late," Phil gestured Indo to follow them. Indo ran over to them but turned to me mid way. "You wanna come along?" He offered.

I gave him a warm smile, my cheeks felt hot. I was probably blushing a little.

"Yeah sure, I'd love that,"


Strings Attached (Countryhumans X Reader)(Sequel to Game Over)Where stories live. Discover now