Bad news

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After my birthday surprise from Rin, I got into a trouble.


So apparently my parents and Kaito woke up from sleep and was waiting for me on the couch as I came in. The atmosphere was not that pleasant. They yelled at me, telling me that they were worried. I kinda lied to them, saying that I couldn't sleep and I wanted to take fresh air outside. They believed me. Good thing that I am a great actress. But still, they grounded me for a week. So no phone, computer, tv, videogame, and hanging out with anyone for a week......


Well besides that, everything else went smoothly. Me and Rin was disappointed at a fact that we couldn't communicate each other through phone for a week, but it was okay, the week has been passed, I got my phone back. Anyways, after then, when we meet each other at school, we tend to hold each other's hands, and kissed each other, secretly. Since the swimming tournament is in 2 weeks, Rin seems desperate to convince Haru to join relay with him. One time, we were doing a garden project, and he asked Haru,

"Hey Nanase. Did you reconsider?"

"Reconsider what?"

"Swimming in a medley relay. You interested in teaming up in the next tournament?"

"I said that I only swim free."

"You are so stubborn, Nanase. Fine you can swim free. Then that means Tachibana has to swim breast or back"

I can see Haru's hand trembling. I sensed something bad, so I poked his leg.

"So we will need one more person for... What (y/n)?"

"I said that I only swim free, so don't include me in your relay." Haru said, with annoyance in his voice. Oh jeez. This can't be good.

Rin was frustrated too. "I said you can do free!" Then he got all the attention from the classmates.

He stuttered "uh.... Free... I mean..." I put my thumb and index finger on both of my temples... "I am saying we should all write our own message on the bricks around the garden. We will do it our way! Be Free!" Everyone in our class was astonished and applauded. Some people said "That's a great idea!" "Nice one, Matsuoka!" "That's amazing!" And Rin gave an awkward smile to them. I gave him a thumb up, and he smiled to me.

Few days later, Rin somehow convinced Nagisa to join the relay. Which was cool. But, I was sad because I couldn't swim in the relay, because it is all boys relay and I twisted my wrist, and the healing process take a lot of time... Bullshit..

A day later, after the swim practice, me, Rin, and Makoto sat down at the shrine steps, and Rin asked me and Makoto,

"Hey, why is Nanase obsessed with free? He always says that he only swims free."

I thought about it for a second, "Well, I don't think it's because Haru likes to swim free."

"Why does he say that then?" He throws a pebble at the empty can, but missing it.

Makoto answered, "We never asked him, but I think being in water feels most natural to Haru. So he wants to swim free."

Rin stood up, saying "I don't get it.." And then he throws another pebble, but this time toward the beach. "Is there any way to get Nanase to swim in the relay?"

I smiled and said, "Well this is Haru we are talking about, so it is gonna be hard to make him do something or understanding him."

Makoto asked Rin question, "Why are you so obsessed with swimming in the relay?"

Don't let go of me (Rin Matsuoka x Reader) (UNDER MAJOR EDITING CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now