New Incounters

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Luna is sitting on the wooden bench near the park entrance. She sighs quietly,"I'm so hungry~" Sango sits next to her, watching her and a silver coin on the ground. "Let's get some of Alfred's cooking.", he responds. She nods and looks at the water fountain. Sango jumps on the same tree branch Shippo is napping in and yells,"Did you hear that Shippo-san?" Shippo falls off the tree branch at the sudden out burst. He comes down with a loud thud and held his head,"Sango...your gonna get it."
"Luna!! Luna~~!," a familiar voice rang loudly into Luna's ears. Shippo stood up quickly and took a fighting stance. Luna also stood, quickly followed by Sango.
Luna glanced over to the entrance and saw that it was Chiryoka. Chiryoka was Luna's childhood friend, who was rather impulsive and bossy.
Chiryoka began running towards Luna with a wide smile on her face. She also had 2 more people accompanying her; one a boy and the other a girl. Once she got in front of Luna, her smile grew slim. "Luna who are these two...boys?", she asked rather disgusted, glaring coldly at Shippo and Sango. Sango's eyes turned into crimson red silts and Shippo's bright green silts.
Luna replied calmly," These two are dear to me. The one with white hair, my biological older brother, Shippo. The other with navy blue hair, Sango." Chiryoka squinted at Shippo and Sango and sighed, "But how is he your brother and how did you meet them?"
"I visited my father in the underworld and he said that is my elder brother Shippo. Then we met Sango in the forest, hunting. Ever since then we been the best of friends." Luna replied swiflty.
Chiryoka turned around,"Hmph. I'm leaving. Chow Luna. Nice to meet you Shippo and Sango."
Shippo shoots her a cold glare. Luna sighs,"Let's get something to eat guys."

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