The Figment Attached

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Luna charged at Sango with the dagger and he quickly jumped out the way. She swung at him again and again, him moving his head. Shippo grabbed Luna from behind and Luna quickly cut his tricep and chest. He hissed and she jumped out of his arms.

Sango yelled,"LUNA!!! What's wrong?!?!... Snap out of it!!" Shippo grunted as he held his arm, panting. She cut him pretty deep.

"Kill them both.", a voice rang into Luna's head. Luna charged at Shippo and he drew his sword. "SHIPPO~!! Don't hurt her!", Sango screamed. "I won't..", he whispered. Luna swung at him and he met her blade and they battled for dominance.

Sango starred at them two, more on Luna. He then charged at Luna, grabbing her from behind. She stabbed him deep in the side trying to break free. He grunted loudly, not letting her escape.

He tumbled onto the hard, grassy ground with Luna in his lap. She squirmed , trying to break free. "Kill them both.", the voice said. Shippo walked over to them and pried the dagger from Luna's hand. "Kill..them..both.",Luna whispered softly, closing her eyes."Kill.... Them....... Both.", the voice said, fading away. Shippo glancing at her confused.

Sango released her from his grip and she slowly stood up. She exhaled lightly and swayed left and right. She then fell to the ground and passed out. Shippo rushed over to her and cradled her like a baby. "My little sister.....", muttered Shippo.

Sango stood up, holding his side, panting. He grabbed Luna's dagger and Shippo's sword. They began walking to their house, Luna in Shippo's arms.

"Shippo, what do you think came over Luna?", Sango asked curiously. "I don't know, but whatever it was it can't be good. She's never charged at us like THAT before.", Shippo replied boldly.

They arrived in front of a white, vine covered, 19th century mancient. Alfred waltzed outside, walking over to them 3. Alfred is the butler of Shippo, Luna, and Sango. He's about 6'3 , greenish grayish eyes, short , silky sandy blonde hair. He is a demon hound and is very good with nature and medical herbs.

He reached them and glanced at Shippo, "What's wrong with Luna?" Shippo sighed," She attacked us Alfred out of no where." Sango nodding his head in agreement. Shippo explained what happened and Alfred simply replied," I thought I heard the clanging blades of you two. Well let's get inside, it's going to rain soon." Alfred took Luna's limp body and walked into the house. "Go into the kitchen you two, I know you must be starved. I'll be in there in a few.", Alfred said disappearing in seconds.

He placed Luna on her bed and placed a soft blanket on her. "Rest my Lunar Moon." Rain began falling outside. He then appeared in the kitchen and quickly started to make beef ramen, rice, lamb meat, and hot dragon tea. Sango slightly moved from his position and grunted slickly loud. He looked at his hand and saw that it was covered in blood. His blood. He forgot he was bleeding and Alfred turned around slowly on his heels, thunder booming outside. "I knew I smelled the blood of you two."

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