Come to me

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Luna awoke to the sound of thunder raging in her ears. She opened her eyes slowly, sitting up sluggishly. She grunted and held her head. "Ouch, my head hurts badly..." She muttered to herself. She sighed quietly and got out of bed onto her feet. She fell to the ground as soon as she got up. "What the?!" She whispered. She pulled herself up onto her feet and walked to the door. "What's wrong with me?... I feel so.. So weak.." She mumbled to herself. She carefully walked to the stairs, trying to keep her balance. She heard the sound if metal clattering in the kitchen. She quietly walked in there, standing at the door way. Shippo and Sango were chowing down their food, while Alfred was bandaging them up.

A sharp pain rang through Luna's head, causing her to grunt quietly. Alfred glanced over at her,"Come Luna, eat." Luna hesitantly walked over to the table and sat on the end, which wasn't usual. Sango and Shippo stared at her as Alfred placed her food in front of her. "Luna... Are you alright?", Sango asked. Luna continued to stare at her plate of food and nodded "yes". Shippo continued to stare at her, Alfred doing the same.

"I'm going on a walk..", Luna stated softly. "Luna , it's raining and you know your body temperature will drop-" "I know Alfred, thanks for your concern."

Luna stood up from the table and walked out, leaving Sango, Shippo, and Alfred confused. Shippo got up,"I'm taking a nap."

Luna went up stairs put on a black petite t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and black combat boots. She put a dagger on her inner left calf. She opened her window and jumped out.

"The rain is so cold. I can feel my body temperature dropping slowly... Why am I even out here? ...... The... Tree." She thought. Her eyes then glowed of a demon, hair turning ice white.

"Come to me.. Lu-na."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2014 ⏰

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