The Wings Of the Past

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Chiryoka stamped off grumbling loudly, hands balled into fist. "Stupid could she still be smiling?!", Chiryoka murmured. "Well maybe she-!" "SHUT UP Akuji~!!!" Chiryoka yelled, cutting Akuji short. Tsubaki gasped as Chiryoka yelled.

Chiryoka turned around on her heels, "Go home, I'm taking a walk." They both nodded and walked away from Chiryoka. She exhaled loudly and jumped in a nearby tree, landing on a thick tree branch.

"How can she be so naïve and stupid. Does she not remember what I did to her when we were kids..? She is still as stupid as ever...", she thought and opened her eyes. She sighed, staring up at a tree branch.

Shippo put Luna on his back and said,"Off to Alfred's cooking!" Sango glanced over at Shippo with a toothy grin, Shippo nodding and smirking mischievously. Sango dashed off, quickly followed by Shippo. Shippo jumped on a tree branch, quickly jumping to another one. Sango had reached the waterfall and Shippo jumped down in front of him.

"Hah! Shippo-san you lose~~!!", Sango shouts, grinning broadly. Shippo let's out a light chuckle. Luna pushed Shippo's back, standing up. She began furrowing her brows and gritting her teeth, falling to her knees screaming loudly. She gripped her head, squirming around yelling.

"LUNA!! LUNAAAAAA~~!!", Shippo and Sango yelled in unison. Shippo reached for Luna's hand, but Luna clawed a him and hissed. She looked up slowly, eyes glowing bright blue silts dancing beautifully with her ice white hair.

Sango looked over at Shippo, wondering what's going on. Luna slowly stood up, drawing a dagger from her leg. "Kill them... Both."

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