Chapter 5.1

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Maria stretched as she admired the first leaves of fall trying on their new colors. Ralse had been gone for two months now and she wasn't entirely sure she remembered what he looked like. She had more letters from him than conversations in the brief time between his conquest, their marriage and his tour of the kingdom.

His previous letter said to expect the company back today.

Maria was torn between apprehension and irritation. She's finally gotten the council in line, the town rebuilding was mostly complete. The city guards reported fewer beggars in the streets and fewer thefts.

But she had a husband. It was his job to rule, she had just been stepping in for a while. Although, credit where credit was due, Edgar had proved an invaluable guide to what he kept insisting she call "statecraft." She was still pretty sure it was bribery, blackmail, and bullying, but statecraft had fewer syllables to convey the same point.

Now she'd have to learn to "statecraft" this man she'd married. Edgar was overjoyed in his stoic way. He was unlikely to advise her in that area.

She looked up from her desk as smiled at Edgar shifting his weight back and forth. They'd installed a standing desk in her office since he refused to sit down and constantly kept reading over her shoulder. It was a compromise that suited them both.

"Do you think King Ralse will want to rest on his return or should we organize a welcome home for him?" Maria asked her armored shadow.

"He'll want to put off official business until tomorrow. He'll want updates from you and I as soon as he gets in, Majesty. We will likely all eat in his study and work up new plans based on his information. Then he'll retire early."

"You know your brother well," Maria observed.

"He is my brother. We take care of each other. It makes us strong."

The horns celebrating the arrival of the king.

"Shall we greet him, General?"

"As you wish, your Majesty." Edgar's eagerness was impossible to contain. Maria wished she could have been half as close with her brother as those two were, but it was an impossible wish now.

They stood in the castle courtyard with the waiting servants as the convoy streamed up the hill with King Ralse on his grey charger leading the pack. The miles of road didn't seem to affect his energy. Even as at a distance, Maria could feel his eagerness to be home too.

Maria observed the activity in the yard, but it was more interesting to watch Edgar's intense focus on his brother. As Ralse came into view, she noticed that his eyes were first on Edgar with unrestrained joy, then to her where they flashed surprise followed by pleasure.

Maria's smile was insignificant compared to the grin she used to wear when watching Draco return from battle. But Edgar noted the softening of her eyes and the tiny upturn of the corners of her lips. Trusting his sister-in-law was not his job - far from it. He still wanted to like her. Ralse liked her, and his job was seeing Ralse safe and happy. His brother had always done the same for him.

Ralse pushed down the temptation to gallop ahead to greet the two people he cared for most in the world. His horse felt the anxiety and forced the king to restrain it from picking up the pace.

Maria wondered who the king would greet first, brother or wife? Edgar saved Ralse from the politics by stepping forward to hold the charger as Ralse dismounted. The men embraced before Ralse stepping toward Maria who offered her hand in greeting. The king kissed it, smiling into her eyes.

"I didn't expect you to greet me," he whispered. "But I am overjoyed you did."

"Husband," Maria wasn't comfortable enough using his given name. "Should a new wife not be eager to see her husband who has been away longer than they've been married?"

Ralse lifted both of her hands falling into her eyes.

"Would you believe me if I told you that you've become even more beautiful while I was away?"

"I would think that you may have missed me."

"Every day. More than would be appropriate to tell you in public."

Edgar cleared his throat pointedly before speaking to the couple shocked back into reality.

"May I suggest since we are in public," he interjected "that we reconvene after His Majesty has had a chance to refresh from the road. I believe The Queen has arranged lunch for you shortly if you are hungry."

Maria marveled at Edgar. She had done no such thing. Although perhaps it would have been a wise move. Was he giving her credit to help their relationship appear strong to the watching servants?

"My Love, you think of everything," the King noted. "Give me but half an hour and I'll join you both in my study."

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