8. Natalie in the podcast

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I had now met everyone apart from Jason, so I decided to pop in and introduce myself without interrupting their filming. I knock on the door, hearing a "Come in!" From the other side. I take that as my que and turn the door handle and walk into the room. David was laying down on a huge grey bean bag next to Joe. Jason was sitting up in an armchair, away from all the wires and equipment that was flooding the carpet floor of the room. Both David and Jason had microphones in their hand, as Joe was fixing up the sound.

"What's up Natalie?" Asked Jason, putting down his mic. "I just wanted to come in and say hello, sorry if I'm interrupting anything," I replied. "No no no!" Said Jason. "Don't worry about that. Would you like to introduce yourself to the listeners?" I gasped in shock and chuckled. "Yeah, I'd love to!" I stuttered. David gestured me to sit beside him on the beanbag, so I followed through and sat down next to David as he handed me his mic.

"Um, hi! I'm Natalie, one of David's childhood friends back from Illinois. I was his next door neighbor and we became friends shortly after he moved in." Jason started asking me questions about David while he was growing up, an do happily answered, knowing that it embarrassed him.

Jason: Natalie. You knew David growing up. Was he as much of an asshole as he is now? Or was he different?
Natalie: *laughs* He wasn't even that bad, to be honest with you. He was really annoying, but I wouldnt say an asshole.
Jason: That's surprising, I'm not gonna lie. So tell us about the embarrassing stuff he did as a child.
Natalie: What do you mean by embarrassing?
Jason: Like did he ever do something that made you say something like, "God, David, why would you do that!?" Like have you ever had secondhand embarrassment over something he did.
Natalie: *chuckles* Well there was a couple times he did stuff on purpose that made me cringe.
Jason: Like what?
Natalie: Well this one time during a basketball match in high school, he went down to the court wearing a red and white beanie and a white t-shirt that had duck tape taped around it,and he like went down to the court and started waving our schools flag around.
David: Oh god I remember that. I looked awful. I had glasses and braces and I looked so weird. I hate you so much for bringing that up, but then again thank you for bringing that up, we didn't have a topic for today.
Jason and Natalie: *laughing*

We finished filming around half an hour later. I was pretty nervous at first, but I looked up towards the end. After that, I earned high fives from everyone in the room. "Well done Nat!" Said David. "You did really good. You were a little stiff at the start though..." I laughed and left the room with David by my side. We hung out with everyone for another 2 or 3 hours, before me and David decided to head back to his house.

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