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Todoroki's POV

I had to sit next to Midoriya and Iida, but I didn't mind. I was waiting for our teacher to walk in, but the thing I seen was a yellow slug looking thing come through the door. Then, Mr. Aizawa ends up unzipping his sleeping bag, revealing he was the slug like thing. That day, it was a pretty easy lesson on what and what not to do in UA. But for some reason, my eyes kept trailing to Midoriya, who looked very interested in the lesson. "Todoroki, do you need anything from the wall?" Mr.Aizawa said, while staring at me." N-no sir." I managed to stutter while I was talking. Thank god he thought I was staring at the wall instead of Midoriya and his beautiful green eyes- WAIT NO SHOTO DONT THINK THAT!!!! I know I am bisexual, but for crying out loud, I just met this kid! The bell rings as everyone gets up and goes to eat lunch. I start walking to the cafeteria but Bakubitch- I mean Bakugo grabs my wrist intensely, and I feel myself getting lightheaded while he is squeezing my fucking wrist where all my cuts are and dragging me to the lockers. "Let go of me." I say as I roughly pull my arm back. "Just because your father is Endeavor, doesn't mean you're going to beat me at anything, Icy- Hot." Bakugo states while he deeply stares into my eyes. He really looks like he means it. "Look, I'm not here to beat anyone. I'm just here to be a hero, nothing else." I plainly stated while looking right back at him. "Wouldn't you think you're better than everyone else since you father is the #2 hero?" Bakugo stated confused, but still with hatred. "I do NOT want to ever be like that scum bag. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to the cafeteria." I state, intensely yelling the not part. I walk away form Bakugo before he can say anything else. Damn, he is self centered. I start walking the cafeteria, but I hear a faint cry from the distance as I hear Bakugo yelling at someone. I run over to them.

Midoriya's POV

I start crying as Kacchan yells at me. "YOURE SO USELESS, DEKU!! YOU'RE JUST A WANNABE WHO WILL NEVER BEAT ME!! YOU DONT EVER KNOW HOW TO LEAVE ME ALONE! FOR THE LAST FUCKING TIME, I DONT NEED YOUR HELP. TRY HELPING ME ANYMORE AND ILL BLAST YOU TO HELL. Kacchan states, making me cry even more. I hear footsteps and I turn my head, to see Todoroki. "HEY BAKUBITCH!! PICK ON SOMEONE YOUR OWN SIZE YOU UGLY POMERANIAN." Todoroki said, with what looked pure hatred in his eyes. Kacchan turned his head sharply, shocked for what came out of Todoroki's mouth. "What.. did you... Say.. ICY-HOT?!" Bakugo looked very angered. Todoroki walked up to him, grabbed his wrist and his shoulder, and shoved him into the wall. "I said, leave him the fuck alone. Do you ever know how to leave him alone? You think I haven't seen you pick on him when you all were kids? Only because you got your quirk first? Yea, realize people live in houses around your old park. I wouldn't ever, ever, ever, bully someone because they got their quirk later than someone else. They're happy that they fucking got it." At this point I could see Todoroki digging his fingernails into Kacchan's wrist. "T-todoroki, i-its okay.. " I softly stated. "No, it's not Midoriya. I'm not letting someone put someone else down." Todoroki-Kun stated, while looking Kacchan dead in his eyes. Todoroki let go of Kacchan, and gave him a death glare before walking off as the bell rang. I could see the blood on his hands from Kacchan, who was quivering in fear. I quickly ran to class before I was late.

Bakugo's POV

Wow. This bitch just dug his fucking nails in my wrists. I felt as if I couldn't move. I felt if I would have moved, I would have been injured. Don't worry. I'll get this bitch back. I run to class, realizing I'm late as hell.

3rd person POV

The rest of the day they did work, and the bell rang, signaling that it's time to go home. Everyone gets up, and goes to leave. Until.....

Todoroki's POV

I heard Midoriya yell my name as I go to leave. "Yes, Midoriya?" I stated turning around looking at the short, adorable- I mean slightly attractive
Male. "T-thanks for helping me out back there. I-I r-really appreciate i-it." Midoriya states, with a smile on his face with a light blush on his cheeks. Damn it he is so fucking adorable. "It's no problem. I didnt wanna stand there and let you be bullied by him like that." I stated, feeling heat rush up to my face. "Would you like to come to my house? My mom said it was okay!" Midoriya states still with that beautiful smile plastered on his face. "Sure. I have to get a few things from my house tho. I-is it okay if I spend the night? I-i can't stay at mine tonight...." I state, looking sad. "Sure! My mom said it was okay if I had friends over, to keep me company. Plus she really likes cooking. And for some reason, she always like making like 7 servings of food for everyone at the table when there's two people. I know it will make less pressure on her, since I always help her cook and she would feel happy that there would be more people there to eat with. She says it's always been lonely since my dad left, so she hasn't ate dinner with three or more people in years." Midoriya says, while tearing up. I pull him into a hug. "Of course I'll go. I'm happy that I'm invited. I can't wait to meet your mom. She seems like a nice lady." I say with a small smile on my face, but I go back to my normal face. Me and Midoriya start walking to my house, since I need to get some stuff. I tell Midoriya that he should stay out here for a minute, since it won't be long. I walk in, finding my drunk dad. "NOW WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN" my angered father stated. "I'm going to my friends house. I need to get some stuff." I state with an annoyed tone. "Oh you're not going anywhere." "LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" I screamed. Then my dad threw a glass beer bottle at my head, and all I remember after that is Midoriya screaming my name as I black out.

WOOO 1129 WORD LETS GOOOOOO. Geeze that took a long ass time. Are you wondering what happened to Todoroki? Stay tuned for the next chapter. The total of words I wrote including the authors note is 1166.

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