Suicide Attempt

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6 months later

Todoroki's POV

To be honest, everything was going well. I moved into the school dorms, and Izuku and I have been happy together.

But today, I think I'm going to regret alot. I had to go get stuff from my house, which I didn't want to. I've been holding back for a long time.

Izuku went on a vacation with his mom, so he wasn't able to come with me. I still cut. I haven't told Izuku yet, since I promised him I wouldn't. I was able to keep all promises but that. I still enjoy the blood dripping down my arms after every slice.

I grab my keys and walk out the dorm. I leave the school grounds as I start walking slowly to my old house. I didn't want to be there.

It took me half an hour to get there, which I was fine with. I was able to come up with a plan if Endeavor tried talking to me. I grabbed my keys out my pocket, and found the key. I open the door.

I walk in to find my dad asleep, which was a good thing. The bad thing was he could wake up at any moment. So I had to be quiet.

I quietly walked into my old room, and grabbing my stuff. I grabbed my extra sharp blade. I shoved everything into my bag, and left.

I start walking back to the dorms, but I feel someone grab my wrist and pull me to a dark alley way. I immediately pulled a reverse by gripping their arm with my unfree hand by flipping my wrist over. I froze them. I then got to see who the fuck it was. It was Bakugo.

Bakugo pushed me up against the wall. I felt as if I was choking. I then realized that he was choking me.

I was still able to breathe. "You know, it's not very hero like to choke someone.", I stated, making dead eye contact with him. I stared into his crimson red eyes. "Hm, that's not what this conversation is about. I know alot about you. I know how you hate your dad, how your abused, and how you cut every single day."

I felt tense. I didn't feel safe. I'm used to the feeling, but not from Bakugo. I lost contact with him, I couldn't look at him. But I knew he was smiling.

"Ya know, if you just hate your life so much, why not take it? You're a piece of shit anyways. You think you're better than everyone. Just because you got into UA by recommendations and your dad is a pro hero, doesn't mean you can beat me. Why don't you take a skydive off the top of UA? Why won't you hang yourself? Why haven't you died yet?"

I started laughing. "Ya know what, you're right. The only reason I haven't killed myself because my dear Izuku would be sad. But he's not here, so why not? You want to watch me kill myself? Ok, then watch since you want me to so fucking badly."

I pushed him out my way and grabbed my bag. I first rolled up my sleeves, grabbing the sharpest knife in there. Bakugo looked shocked. He didn't think I actually would. Well, he's wrong.

I slit my wrists over 50 times each, making sure he watched them all. There was my blood everywhere.

Bakugo's POV

Shit, he's actually going to. I need to stop him. I cant. My body won't move. Shit. I tried speaking, but no words came out. After he goes to take the knife to his throat, my legs moved on their own. I ran over to him, and grabbed the knife by the blades, which was the only available spot and threw the knife.

Todoroki's POV

He threw my fucking knife. I just wanted to get this over with. I wasn't in the mood for that. I gave him a death glare and grabbed my bag.

Help Me... (Depressed Todoroki x Deku)Where stories live. Discover now