Chapter 1- SCREAM

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Instantly I snapped out of my trance and looked to who said that. Of course, my first instinct was to just keep walking, but his voice was so deep... I just had to look.


Turning around I stood face to face with this fine man. He appeared to be around 17 or 18. "Umm hi. Were you talking to me?"

"Yea. What's up with you? I haven't seen you in a little while," he replied.

Confusion spread from my eyes throughout my entire face, I guess. "I don't think I know you. Maybe you mistaked me for someone else," I reasoned.

"No. I think I have the right person. You're Sophia, right?"

"Uhhh yea. Look I would like to just go ride a rollercoaster or something so please leave me alone and stop creeping me out," I snapped, eyeing the ride 'The Intimidator'.

Smack in the middle of Carowinds some stranger declares he knows me. Psh. He needs to stop. I mean I couldn't deny that he was finer than Chris Brown and Trey Songz put together, but come on, who acts like he knows a girl. As I turned and walked towards the ride, I heard "wait" and "stop" but I kept trudging through the crowd of people.

Ok. Let me introduce myself. I am Sophia A. Trakiye. (truhk eye') I am African American. Of course I'm probably mixed with some other race, but unfortunately my family can not trace our family tree too far Moving on, I have two amazing best friends Jasmine L. Fisher and Patrice G. Sandy. All three of us love the wonderful sport of basketball, in fact that's how we met. I won't get into that though.

Finally I end up at the front of the line with Pat and Jas. Since there are only 2 seats in a row, I have to go alone or with some random person and that random just "happens" to be Mr. Weirdo. I mean come on!!! LEAVE ME ALONE.

"You didn't think you could get rid of me that easily did you?"

I roll my eyes at him as the ride jerks forward.

Maybe I should describe him now. I mean would you rather me talk about the ride or a fine guy sitting right next to me? Yea. Fine guy.

Let's start with his hair. His dreads run around the top of the middle of his back. And... his face, oh his face. Too fine to describe. He's around 5'11". And not too skinny but not thick either. His skin is basically a honey color. Maybe even molasses color.

And now let's describe me. I am 5'4" with long dark brown hair. I wear a sizes 7-9 in jeans. Don't get me wrong. I'm not thick, but I do have hips... and a nice round butt. Basketball has always been a passion of mine, as well as dance, acting, and baking. I guess I'm well-rounded, but in my opinion I need to be. Especially since I don't know what I want to major in yet.

The ride finally ended and to my surprise, Mr. Weirdo was in complete shock. After getting his bearings he finally says," Ok. You have to remember me. I'm Kevin. Kevin Thompson."

A/N sorry for two uploads of the same chapter but the first time I posted, I wanted to get The chapter posted. And btw the second chapter will be more eventful and hopefully published in around a month. I have a lot of things going on right now with school and dance an on top of that, my birthday. Sorry again but hope you stick with me. :)

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