Chapter 10

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Tyler's POV


After we busted in the apartment, the only thing I could see was pure white. I couldn't see or do anything. I was separated from my state of mind. I was separated from my body. My sense. I feel at peace.


I knew I had to go back, though.


I can barely hear anyone, or see anything. I can just hear muffled sobbing and see black. Wait... I see something. I think I see Emmy... Oh God... She's crying because of me! I have to wake up... Just... Please don't cry. Don't... Cry...!

I'm starting to see better. I'm waking up. Someone, tap my face or something.


I'm wide awake. We're at the cabin, I think. The first thing I do is hug Courtney tight. "I missed you so much." I said to her. "I'm okay. Please stop crying, Emmy." I whisper. Ugh, I hate when people cry around me. I end up crying too sometimes. Blerh. "I'm fine. Please chill." I get up from my knees and sir on the couch. Everyone sat with me. "Okay..." I whisper to myself. "I'm... Gonna get some soda now." I said. Pearl follows me to the kitchen and she looks shook. "We were really scared for you back there. You actually died. Your heart rate was flat, one of your lungs collapsed and everything." "If that was the case, why did I wake up in our home on the floor...?" Hehehe. Her mind was blown. "Hey, Emmy! Whats your favorite drink?" I yelled across the room. "MocaCola, please." She said getting tissue.

I fill two glasses of MocaCola, sit by her and sit the glasses on the table. "Courtney, would you chill? i'm not dead, and I'm fine." "I know... I'm sorry. So... You want to go outside and chat?" She asks me. Mm. I used to love the nature walks we always done together and such. Always calling each other, always visiting each other. She's my girlfriend, but we don't kiss or anything like that. Strange, now that I think about it. Then again, it's just content. Oh, uh, sorry.

Anyway, back to the story.

So we head out and ask each other what we've been doing lately and such. We ate a Hawaiian pizza, we met this Lars guy...

Today is perfect.

Steven's POV

Tyler and Courtney haven't been back for hours. I think I should go find them.

Maybe Amethyst wants to come?
She's in her room usually, so I guess I'll go there. "Amethyst!!!" I yell in her room. It's more like... As big as Beach City. I'm hearing a bunch of splashing, maybe she's in one of the puddles? She's just chilling I guess. "What's up?" She said. "Tyler and Courtney have been gone all day. You wanna go see where they are?" "Sure, Steven."

We both walked out of the cabin and looked for them. So we found them on the board walk. "Wanna scare them? Amethyst whisperer to me with a weird smile.

Actually.. Her whole mouth is weird in general.

I yelled yes to her, but it'd be no surprise for them to hear us. "What are you doing." Tyler asked me in a flat voice. "We...Uhh... LOOK! A DIVERSION!" Amethyst screamed. Tyler didn't look away. I threw a Chaaaaaps bag in his face and ran away.

Once we got home we found Tyler & Courtney quickly behind us. "I'm not going to question why you were over at those bushes." Courtney said. Pearl walked up to them and whispered something in their ears. Now's probably the best time to go to the next POV.

Tyler's POV

...bushes." Courtney said to Steven. Wait... What does Pearl want? She made us come into her 'room'. "Wonder what my rooms like." Emmy said. Mind. Blown.

"Thank you for coming." Pearl said.

"You dragged us in here..." We said.



Tyler: *uses hammer to add weight*

Pearl: *slings Tyler and Emmy into wall*


"Aside from that... I think your ready to go on your first mission, Tyler." She said. Dude, i'm so excited! Oh, wait...

"What about me? Can I not come?" Emmy asks.

"You haven't figured out to summon your weapon. As for Tyler, though..." She explained.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine as long as you are." I yelled without thinking. I give both of them side hugs. I'm a sucker for hugs. "So when do we start a mission?" I asked.

"We can do it tomorrow if you wish." She replied. And I thought I was a grammar freak. My God.

"Good to know, cause I wanna go make a bit of cash from dancing." I said with confidence. So I head out of the cabin and play some music, and start breakdancing. I used the hammer for a few stunts and blahh. I got $17.34!

AN: Sappy start, eh? Sorry for the short chapter, I'm a little short on ideas at the moment. If you'd to put in a suggestion I would be highly greatful. So much so, I will give you credit at the start of the chapter. Thanks for reading.

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