[Moonbin] - Comfort

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"Hey, Binnie... can you come pick me up..?" You speak softly into the ear piece, Moonbin on the other end.
"Oh—? Y/N? What's wrong? Are you okay?" His voice seems full of worry.
"Yeah,, I'm okay. I just want to come over to  your apartment... it's boring here. Dad won't be home until 10 pm. And I can't drive so... pick me up? Please?"
"Sure, I'm on my way. I'll see you soon." He says, and you can hear the shuffling of feet as he gets up.
"Thanks Moonbin. Drive safely." You hang up the phone and get up from your bed and walk to your large vertical mirror on the wall.
You're already dressed up wearing denim shorts, an oversized t-shirt tucked in and to top it off, some white converses.

Your parents escaped from North Korea when you were still in the womb and they've been trying to raise you up in better conditions

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Your parents escaped from North Korea when you were still in the womb and they've been trying to raise you up in better conditions. Yet, arguments had occurred between your parents and you found out that your mother had an affair with another man, gone for majority of the day and only coming home after midnight, drunk. You know she's cheating, and dad knows too.

All that had happened between your parents left you almost falling into a depression. That was, until you met and became close friends with the newly debuted k-pop boy group, ASTRO. You've known them for less than a year, and yet the lot of you are closer than ever. They were there when there was no one to talk to, and not a day passed when you thought about them. They were like the family you always wanted but never had.

Ding dong! The doorbell from the front door rings, snapping you back into reality and down from the clouds.
That must be him... You think to yourself as you make your way to the front door and opening it. Sure enough, Moonbin is standing there, his back faced to you. He turns as you open the door and your face to face with stunning beauty.

He's wearing black, his favourite colour. Black shirt, black pants and black shoes. They look good on him so, you don't complain.

Moonbin smiles at you, his black eyes staring into yours

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Moonbin smiles at you, his black eyes staring into yours.
"Hey, Y/N.. are we ready to go?" His voice is sweet when he sings but even sweeter when he speaks. Especially directly to you.
You nod, closing and locking the front door as the two of you head to the black car.
The sun is rising to noon on your left and the sun is getting hotter. You see two black figures in the car.
"Rocky and MJ-hyung wanted to tag along, if that's alright with you." Moonbin said as he opened the door for you.
You get in and buckle yourself up and sure enough, Rocky and MJ are in the back.

"Hi Y/N!" Rocky smiles at you with a small wave. You smile back in response before turning to MJ.
"Hi MJ." You begin, "You're awfully quiet. What the matter with you?"
Moonbin interrupts him before he can open his mouth. "I don't know. He's been like that for a few days now.."
MJ scowls at Moonbin as he starts the car and pulls out of the driveway and now on the road, driving to their apartment.
"I don't think Y/N asked you Moonbin." MJ says coldly.
Moonbin shrugs. "I can speak if I want to, can't I?"
MJ is fuming and the rest of the car ride is silent.

Rocky doesn't know the weird, uneasy vibe that can be sensed in the car as he has earphones plugged in and is minding his own business.
You look from your lap to Moonbin, whose eyes are on the road. You smile a small smile, unaware that MJ's about to pounce on Moonbin, his fists clenched.
Moonbin is saved by Rocky at the last second.
"MJ-hyung, want to listen?" He asks.
MJ replies with an incoherent grunting noise which Rocky takes as a yes and MJ is calmed down by the music.

After another few minutes of riding in the car, the four of you finally arrive to the boys' apartment.
"Noona~! 안녕!" Sanha welcomes you with open arms and you embrace him tightly.
"How are you Sanha?" You ask, now relaxing as Sanha was not a witness of the dreadful car ride .
"Oh— I'm good! We're working really hard on our next comeback!"
"Oh, really? When's that?" You ask with a smirk, hoping to trick him into telling you out of surprise.
"It's on- "
"Sanha-sshi. That's enough." Eunwoo enters the room. "We wouldn't want Y/N to know about our next album, now do we?" He smiles cheekily at you.
"Oh, come on Eunwoo! Just one clue!" You plead.
Eunwoo shakes his head.
You groan in annoyance before making your way to the couch and making yourself at home.

You sit down and turn on the TV, unbothered by the boys when,
"AHH!" you shriek, almost jumping a metre up.
Jinjin laughs out loud. "ahahaha, you're such a scaredy-cat Y/N."
"Urgh,, shut up Jinjin." you roll your eyes and sit back down, annoyed because you had missed out the best part in the TV show you were watching.
"Whoa! What happened? Why are you so grumpy?" Jinjin sits beside you.
You turn away crossing your arms and legs in a playful manner. "Nothing.."
"Oh, I get it, it's that time of the month again, isn't it?" Jinjin says, and you can tell he's smiling.
"What the— no!" You cry in disbelief.
"then tell me~! what did i do~~?"
Before you can answer again, you're interrupted by a voice behind the two of you.

"Jinjin-hyung, The others want you in the practice room." It's Moonbin.
You hear Jinjin exhale in annoyance. "What is it now?"
"Just go already, hyung. MJ's already pissed."
"Ugh, fine!" Jinjin gets up and stomps out of the apartment, closing the door behind him.
Moonbin takes Jinjin's place and your still turned away when he places an arm on your shoulder; you almost jump at the touch.

"ahah, you're quite jumpy today, Y/N." His hand gently squeezes your shoulder and then his voices deepens in concern and sympathy. "Are you sure you're alright. You look more upset than usual."
You want to lie and say that you're okay, but it's Moonbin. With the boys, they're sure to just shrug it off. But... Moonbin's different; he listens and takes it all in.
"No.." You finally manage to say after a while.
"Then tell me." Moonbin edges a bit closer. "I'm listening."
His soothing voice makes you turn around with more confidence.

"Where do I begin?" You sigh, looking down. you inhale then let out a long breath. "Stuff's happening at home... again. Mum stays out 'til late at night, leaving dad at home with me." You glance up and see Moonbin gazing intently at you eager to listen. He nods telling you to go on. You continue, your eyes on Moonbin's the whole time.
"Mum usually comes home after midnight, drunk. Dad and I both know she's cheating. But dad's too tired and upset to say anything about it and to confront mum. He tries to hide it, you know.. but I know him. it's just.." tears fill your eyes and you look down.
"Everything's different. Everything's changed now. And I can't adjust to the changes as easily as I thought I would. It's just so hard. I cry alone every night, because I know mum's doing this over the stress of me and school. It's my fault— "

Moonbin tilts your chin upwards with his soft hands. Your eyes shine with tears and his usual sharp eyes soften with sympathy and hurt for you.
"Hey! It's not your fault! Don't ever think that what happens wrong around you is the cause of you, Y/N. You got me and the others to where we are right now. Among others, you're one of our biggest motivations. So don't you ever think down on yourself like that, alright?"
You nod, a tear drop trickling down your red face.
Moonbin pulls you into a warm embrace and you wrap his arms around him. You sigh into his shoulder, relieved. Relieved that you've finally, finally told someone. Someone who'd understand. Someone like moonbin. You smile, more than happy to know he's the first you'd told and you cherish his warm arms around you as he holds you tight.

Word Count: 1 429 words

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