[Myunjun] - Warmth

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You and Moonbin seem to be trapped in each other's arms for hours on end. And it feels nice, comforting. Your warmed inside as well as outside and you never want this moment to end.
Suddenly, the two of you hear the shuffling of feet in the kitchen behind you and you and Moonbin instantly break apart.
"Ro-Rocky?? How long have you been standing there??!" Moonbin asks in disbelief, his face and yours blushing red in embarrassment.
"Oh... I just came down here to get you guys.. and some food. I didn't know you guys were,, umm..." Rocky twiddles his thumbs uncomfortably, looking down.
"Ahah, it's okay Rocky-ah. You just gave Y/N and I a bit of a shock." Moonbin laughs his nerves off and you sit with your knees together, your fingers tightened around each other in stress and you bite your lip.

"Oh- okay. Sorry." Rocky apologises.
"It's okay." Moonbin says. Rocky proceeds to the refrigerator.
You sense Moonbin looking at you but you're not too sure as your eyes are planted firmly onto the wooden floor.
You see Moonbin reach out his hand out of the corner of your eye but before he could grasp your shoulder in reassurance, he's interrupted by Rocky.
"MJ-hyung asked if you wanted to come with us and watch our dance practice, Y/N. Want to come?" Rocky's holding a can of soda in his right hand and his adorable smile is far too contagious so you can't help but say,
"Okay, then! Why not?" You jump up, heading towards the door with Rocky just behind you and not daring to look back at Moonbin.
Your cheeks redden as you reminisce on the feeling of his strong, warm body against yours in that loving embrace.
No. You shake your head in refusal.
I'm not falling for Moonbin again. Not again. Not ever.

You and Rocky arrive to the dance room. The other members are on the floor, stretching.
"Huh?" Sanha turns to face you as he hears the door open. "Ah! Noona! Hello! What are you doing here?" He cocks his head in curiosity.
"Ah~ I asked Rocky to ask Y/N if she wanted to watch us practice!" MJ chirps in and he smiles beautifully at you, his gentle eyes never leaving yours for a second. You can't help but smile and stare back.
"Noona's going to- to watch us? While we dance?" Sanha's eyes widen in shock.
"What's wrong Sanha?" Jinjin gets up and playfully nudges Sanha'as arm with his leg. "Are you scared?? It's just Y/N! She's not going to bite." He looks up at you. "Right?"
"Of course I won't! What's to be nervous about?" You ask Sanha.
"Well... it's just. You've never watched all of us practice in the same room before. And.. she's not like all the Rohas in our concerts.. It's different around her. I can't explain it hyung but I guess I am scared."
You walk over to him and bend down beside him. "Don't worry Sanha. I'm sure I'm going to love it." You gently pinch his cheeks and his eyes brighten in determination and he smiles.

"Oi, hyung. Stop staring at Y/N." Eunwoo softly slaps MJ's shoulder. You get up with Sanha and only now do you realise that MJ has been staring at you the whole time.
"Wha-?! No! Eunwoo-ya! Shut up!" MJ's cheek flush red and he turns his back. Eunwoo laughs and smiles at you, pointing at MJ then you.
You too redden as you come to the realisation that what Eunwoo is trying to suggest is that MJ likes you and you get pissed - real fast.

What??! No he doesn't! You mouth back, eyebrows furrowed.
Eunwoo nods over-exaggeratedly, a silly grin on his face.
You stand annoyed, your feet planted on the floor to stop yourself from pouncing when Sanha whispers in your ear,
"Noona... you're blushing." He giggles softly.
Your eyes widen, eyebrows still furrowed.
"No. No! No I'm not!" You cry, red as ever.
Sanha, Rocky, Eunwoo and Jinjin glance at each other with a smirk.
MJ doesn't like me... does he? A small smile slowly forms on your face wondering what it would be like if MJ seriously did have feelings for you when,

"Guys! What are you doing? Let's start practing already! Stop standing around!" You spin round. It's Moonbin. He's standing by the doorway, his deep brown eyes looking at every member before his darting eyes land on you. Both of you hold eye contact for a while, lost in one another's eyes.
"Okay! Let's start guys!" MJ practically screams, breaking the long held eye contact of you and Moonbin.
"Alright! Everybody into position!" Jinjin places a robong in front of one of the large mirrors, indicating where they shouldn't cross as they dance. "Y/N, could you please start the music to All Night?"
You nod as the boys get to their starting places and you sit on the side, your grin growing wider as the music begins.

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