[Minhyuk] - Passion

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You wake up, still trapped in Sanha's arms. Your head is resting on his chest and you're on top, your body against his.
You turn your head and look at the window. Telling by the sky and the beautiful colours that have replaced the light blue, it's almost sunset.
You turn your head around to look at Sanha and you take this moment to study his face.
Your eyes wander from his soft, fluffy black hair (which you long to touch by the way, but don't seem to anymore as you can tell he's sleeping so deeply). Your eyes land on his closed ones. His black eyelashes seem to be so long that you wonder to yourself if they're longer than yours.
You study his cute little button nose, that twitches adorably everytime he lies. And then lastly, his soft pink lips.
His mouth is slightly open and you bite your lip to prevent yourself from squealing 'Aww!'. His little beak is so visible you can tell him apart from the others from a long way away. His lips are the colour of strawberry-flavoured bubblegum and they look soft. Softer than yours? You don't know. But.. what you did know was that, you wanted to lean in and feel those soft lips on yours...

Stop! What the hell?? What are you doing?!! He's just a child! Geez, Y/N! You think to yourself and you stop from doing anything stupid. But.. no one's here... It wouldn't hurt.. would it??
Again, you feel yourself nearing closer to Sanha's lips when you hear a door open from the hallway and you close your eyes again.

You hear a pair of feet shuffling out of a room, down the hallway and out into the living room. The footsteps stop. Your heart is throbbing so hard, you can feel your whole body slightly jump with every beat of your heart. There's only silence for a while before the footsteps retreat and walk back to their room, the door closing more loudly and harshly than you would've liked.
That's definitely got to be MJ..

You keep your eyes shut tight, afraid anyone might come out again. Sure enough, a door opens. But not one from any of the boys' rooms but from behind you and Sanha and the couch; from the front door.
As soon as it opens, a beautiful smell envelopes the air. You can hear the crackling of a takeaway paper bag and the heavy footsteps of shoes approach the couch.
A second pair of footsteps rushes inside bringing even more lovely scents and stops next to where the other footsteps had stopped.

"Wahh.... Don't they look so adorable?" You hear Rocky's whisper come from behind the couch.
"They do..!!" came Jinjin's. "But let's wake them up before Moonbin comes. He's almost calmed down now. Best not to reignite the flame."
"Okie." Rocky replies. Jinjin's feet recede to the kitchen, a flick addressing that he had turned on the kitchen light and the light drop of a bag; he had placed the paper bag on the counter. And you hear him ferociously empty the contents inside.

Suddenly, you feel two hands (not Sanha's) grasp your shoulders and they gently shake you.
"Y/N... Y/N.. It's time to wake up..!" Rocky's gentle, raspy voice says. You slowly open your eyes and Rocky's face is directly in front of yours. He's crouching down so he can be eye-to-eye with you.
The two of you stare at each other. He smiles, showing off his pearly whites.
"Good morning Y/N~" He jokes. "It's time to wake up now."
"But I'm so comfortable here." You whine, snuggling into Sanha's arms even more.
Rocky chuckles, still smiling. "I know Y/N. I can tell. But Moonbin's coming soon. You'll have to hurry snuggling with Sanha if you don't want hyung to get pissed again."
You groan in annoyance. "Urggh, fineeee!" You sit up as Rocky stands up.
"For the sake of your lives' I'll awaken from my slumber." You sigh, rolling your eyes. You glance up at Rocky hoping he'll laugh or even smile. He does, smiling again.
You can't help it. Rocky's smile seems to be your strange addiction. It warms you inside when he smiles. You don't know why, but it just does.

"Should you wake up Sanha too?" Rocky asks.
You look back at Sanha. "No. He needs some rest. He looks so tired and he's sleeping so peacefully. I'd hate to see him upset right now..." You glance at him with caring eyes. Then at Rocky and Jinjin. "Don't overwork him. That goes to the lot of you too. Don't overwork... Okay?" You ask sternly.
Jinjin and Rocky nod and you smile, standing up.

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