An Eventful Evening (Pt. 2)

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Weiss: "Uh, (Y/n), your hands are red... Like glowing red..."

(Y/n) looks at his hands to see that they are indeed red and sizzling.

(Y/n): "I-I..."

Suddenly, as if Oum himself heard his prayers, an explosion from down the street took everyone's attention. The girls looked back only to see (Y/n) missing.

While the girls were occupied from the explosion, (Y/n) quickly ran away into an alley. He clutched his head from the excruciating pain he was feeling.

This world is broken... Tainted by the filth of sin. We ARE their salvation... By sending them all to hell.

(Y/n) skin began to burn off from his body, half of his face revealed his skull. Fire replaced where his eyes once were. He was able to get a grip on his transformation and regrew his skin.

A hellish engine can be heard getting closer from on down the alley. As he kept running, he soon found his bike already transformed. Before he mounted on, he heard gunshots in the distance.

(Y/n): What if they need help?

They are not our problem.

(Y/n): You specifically told me our job was to punish evil and protect the innocent. They ARE innocent!

The demon within him growls from defeat so (Y/n) grabs his set of chains from his bike and runs towards the gunshots.



The girls called for their weapons locker which soon arrived, they grab their weapons and run down the road to find the man himself, Roman Torchwick, along with The White Fang breaking into another dust shop.

Ruby: "You again?!"

Roman sighs and turns around.

Roman: "I swear you kids are going to be the death of me..."

He turns to his henchmen.

Roman: "Get rid of them."

They nod and start walking to them.

Roman: "And make it quick before he shows up."

A henchman with a machine gun began firing bullets at the girls but Weiss, using her glyphs, was able to block the attack. Yang seeing the opportunity rushed the guys with guns and quickly took them out. Several other henchmen and white fang grunts exited the dust shop.

Roman: "You never know when to quit, do you red?"

All the grunts and henchmen rushed team RWBY and the battle commenced. In the midst of all the fighting, Roman saw this as a chance to escape. Ruby, noticed this and ran after him but Blake quickly flipped in front of her.

Blake: "Sorry, Ruby but he's mine... I've waited to long for this."

Blake immediately charged Roman swinging gambrol shroud in blade form as Roman parried each strike with his cane. Ruby was watching in awe at Blake's fighting skills, not seeing the henchman standing up from the ground behind her and picking up a gun. Yang turned to her sister to see the man aiming his gun right at Ruby.

Yang: "RUBY!"

A chain suddenly wrapped around the henchman's neck and knocked him to the ground. Ruby turned around to see (Y/n) knocking the henchman unconscious with a fist to the face.

Ruby: "(Y/n)?"

(Y/n): "Thought you guys needed help."

Weiss: "You don't even have a weapon!"

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