First Day Of School

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Longer chapter. Enjoy!

(Y/n): *Snore*

Loud knocks can be heard at (Y/n) door.

Weiss: "(Y/n)! Wake up, you dolt! You're going to be late on your first day of school!"

(Y/n): *Snore*

Ruby: "Did you try the door handle?"

Weiss: "It's locked."

Yang: "Try turning the doorknob the other way."

Weiss: "It's still locked, Yang."

While Weiss and Yang were bickering, Blake walks over and kneels down to the doorknob and begins picking the lock with a hairpin.

Weiss: "Are you calling me dumb?!"

Yang: "I'm calling you-"

Ruby: "Uh, guys?"

They both turn aggressively to Ruby.

Yang/Weiss: "What?!"

Ruby shrinks down as she points at the door. They turn to see Blake turning the doorknob and opening the door.

Weiss: "D-Did you just pick his lock?"

Blake: "Yes."

Yang walks over to her and wraps her arm around her.

Yang: "Blake, you continue to surprise me... Please teach me how to do that."

All four then enters his room and walked over to his bed to see him cuddling with his pillow in deep slumber.

Yang: "He's kinda cute, don't ya think?"

Weiss and Blake blush as Ruby crosses her arms and pouts.

Ruby: "I'm cuter..." She whispers.

(Y/n) then starts turning in his sleep and slowly opens his eyes.

Weiss: "Hush, I think he's waking up!" Weiss whispers.

Once his eyes adjusted to the darkroom, his eyes widened when he spots the four girls standing over his bed.

(Y/n): "Pinch me, i must be dreaming..."

Ruby then proceeds to pinch him.

(Y/n): "Ow! It's a figure of speech, Ruby!"

Ruby: "Sorry..."

(Y/n): "Why the hell are you guys looming over me while i sleep?"

Weiss panics thinking she's going to get into trouble for breaking into another student's room.

Weiss: "I-Its not what you think! Y-You see, we came over to give you your school uniform but when we knocked, you wouldn't wake up then Blake picked your lock so we could come in and wake you up."

(Y/n): "Whoa whoa whoa... Back up... Blake, you picked my lock?"

Blake: "No."

Blake then hides the hairpin behind her back.

(Y/n): *Sigh* "Whatever. What time is it anyway?"

Ruby: "8:50."

Weiss: "You have ten minutes to get ready! We are not about to let you ruin your first day!"

(Y/n): "Yeah, yeah, yeah."

(Y/n) then got out of bed and stood up, he stretched then heard gasps from the females beside him. He turned to see Ruby, Weiss, and Blake blushing a deep crimson red while Yang was smirking.

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