Lab Experiments

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They exited the lab and found themselves in another room with multiple test tubes filled with some sort of liquid and experimented objects floating inside. Juliet felt uneasy. It was just like walking through Umbrella's lab again.

"What the hell is all of this?" Leon questioned.

"None of these things were here three days ago," Helena replied, staring into one of the tubes.

She didn't notice Leon giving her a cautious look. Leon continued moving forward, looking around the desk full of computers. A single cassette tape was left on the table, prompting him to pick it up. He was shocked to see the label, which read 'Happy Birthday Ada Wong'. Hurriedly, he inserted the tape into the video player. The monitor screen flickered for a few seconds before a video played. The trio watched in silence as a woman resembling Ada hatched from a chrysalid. Someone else entered the frame, but the video was promptly cut off. Leon was left speechless. Juliet didn't know what to think of it. She and Ada never got along in the past after she betrayed both of them. Juliet saw her die. That video didn't make sense.

In a slightly raised voice, Leon turned to Helena and asked her, "Is this what you wanted to show me?"

Helena was taken aback. She hurriedly shook her head. A distant sound distracted them. Leon shook his head, walking away from the monitor and out of the room.

"So that woman," Helena started. "Or whatever. You two know her?"

Juliet didn't answer. Leon nodded, but that was it. They emerged out to several platforms with water underneath them. He studied a map on one of the walls and pulled down the lever. The shutters raised, allowing them to get to the bottom. They had to manually activate the different levers around the area to get to the exit. Helena complained about everything being complicated, which the other two agreed. Leon was the first to get past before the shutters suddenly dropped down again. Behind the women, zombies dropped in from the vents.

"We'll meet up ahead," Juliet told him, before taking out her knife to conserve her ammo.

Helena and Juliet worked together to clear the area. After pulling the necessary levers, the door to the exit finally opened. They heard a shrieker coming their way, but they had hit a dead end. There was only one way out, and it was down through the garbage chute. As much as they didn't like it, they had to get out of there before more came. Helena went in first, followed by Juliet. Leon landed in the pool with a splash, and he groaned. At least there wasn't a giant alligator chasing him around this time.

"It'll take weeks to get the smell out," Juliet grumbled, patting down on the leather jacket as much as she could. "Ugh, he'll hate me."

"We'll take a long bath once we're out of here," Leon said, and Juliet agreed immediately.

They walked through the dimly lit tunnels. Leon asked Helena again on why she wasn't able to fill them in yet. She evasively answered that she needed to show them so that they'll get their proof. She tried her luck and asked them about the tape, but Leon cut her off.

"Look, if you want answers, you should be prepared to give a couple yourself."

Helena sighed but nodded. It was fair enough. The trio moved on until they came across a platform with a waterfall in the back. There was a body in the middle of the platform, but Leon and Juliet didn't recognise the woman. Helena, however, had pushed past them and ran straight towards the woman.

"Deborah!" Helena kept calling over and over as she shook the woman awake. "Can you hear me?"

The woman slowly stirred awake. Her eyes widened in realisation as she looked at Helena. The two hugged in relief. Leon and Juliet looked at each other. Deborah suddenly winced and clutched the side of her head.

"OK, enough with the mystery. What the hell is going on here?" Leon asked warily.

Helena helped Deborah up and piggybacked her. "Let's just get out of here, then I'll tell you everything. I promise."

Leon didn't push it. He nodded at Juliet, and the two gripped onto their handguns. He agreed to hear her out after and focused on getting everyone out to safety first. They crossed the creaking walkways and bridges, which seemed like it could fall apart at any time. Halfway through, Deborah yelled in pain and Helena had no choice but to place her down.

"Deborah! Just stay with me. I'm going to get you home," Helena pleaded, looking worriedly at the other brunette.

However, Deborah kept screaming in agony. Helena almost placed her hand on Deborah's shoulders to calm her down when Deborah combusted into flames. Helena was shocked and fell back. Juliet hurriedly pulled her away. Helena struggled against Juliet's grip and ran back to Deborah's side. Deborah had hardened into a chrysalid. Helena didn't know what to do as she stared at the sight in front of her. Not a moment later, the chrysalid hatched. Juliet pulled her back again, and this time, Helena didn't resist. Leon aimed his gun at the being that hatched out. However, someone else had shot an arrow at her. All three turned around, coming face-to-face with the woman in red.

"Ada!" Leon exclaimed, lowering his gun.

"You looked like you've seen a ghost," she replied, giving him a slight smirk.

Juliet couldn't help but scowl at her. Helena wasn't too happy either and immediately took out her gun.

"How dare you!" Helena yelled, her hands slightly shaking.

Leon lowered her gun slowly, to the surprise of both Juliet and Helena. Helena broke down, and Juliet immediately went towards her.

"Ada, what the hell is going on here?" Leon asked.

"It's complicated," she replied, clearly intent on not elaborating further.

"Isn't everything?" Juliet scoffed.

The lights flickered, and small debris started falling down. It looked like their conversation was cut short again.

"This isn't the time and place," Ada said. "These walkways won't hold. We've got to get to the lower levels."

Helena ignored them and went straight to Deborah, cradling her in her arms and muttering an apology. Deborah seemed to be re-animated as spider-like legs came out from her back. Leon yelled at Helena to get back, but Deborah had pushed Helena out of the way. Deborah knocked over the pillars, which came crashing down onto the platform. All four fell down into the lower levels, getting separated from one another. 

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