italiano gentlemen

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Mirio's POV

Tamaki and I were pulled along a small road behind the school. We hid behind bushes. Where there should have been more bushes, a small haven was sheltered by vines and a stone wall. I now knew that Tamaki's safe, secret haven was on the other side. "I chose this spot so that we don't have to worry about other people. I know that you worry about people watching you as you eat." Uma giggled while pinching Tamaki's cheek. I felt a little jealous, but as I saw them interact, I saw how she could call it a brother/sister bond.

"Th-thanks." Tamaki blushed when he looked back at me. 

Nejire and Uma unpacked the food from the basket when Nejire groaned, "Darn it. I forgot to pack enough plates. Two of us have to share."

"Tamaki and I will share. We are besties after all." I chuckled at Nejire's airheadedness. It was surprising that she forgot something like plates though.

Uruaka's POV

I watched from the bushes for the perfect moment to text Uma to get her away. As I watched the four begin to eat, I wanted to squeal from how cute it was to see Mirio and Tamaki share a plate. This is such a cute ship. A few minutes later I texted Uma saying that there was a class rep meeting she forgot about. From across the lawn, I heard her excuse herself. She slid her plate into the trash bag they had brought and left. That's what the others saw.

Once she had walked a good distance, she circled back. She sneaked almost as invisible as Tooru who was keeping an eye on the perimeter. I saw Mina on the other side ignoring her job in favor of watching the cute potential couple. As we all watched on from the bushes, I felt a small, soundless vibration. It was my phone telling me it was the perfect time to pick up Nejire.

I sneaked around to the opening between the bushes where a path snaked through to the picnic spot. I shouted Nejire's name and told her something about Monoma and Tetsutetsu fighting. I pretended to be out of breath to add to the glamor. She excused herself and we left to return once more to watching on.

Mirio's POV

I thought it was weird that both Nejire and Uma had left, but some days are just hectic. I was left with Tamaki just eating. Tamaki worked slowly through his food as not to make a mess, so I slowed down. I turned my head to the side to help with this because I ate slower when I was distracted. Most of the way through, I suddenly realized that there was a tugging on the spaghetti strand. I looked over to see Tamaki's head down. We had accidentally started eating the same strand, but he had yet to notice.

Visions of what would happen swam through my head. If I kissed him and pretended to have not noticed that our faces were getting closer, would he believe me? If he did believe me, would he just get flustered and leave? Would it kill him to kiss me because he doesn't love me that way? How could he love me? Could I live with myself if I took advantage of this situation and it hurt him? 

Only seconds before our lips touched, I bit down hard on my side, severing our connection. I regretted my choice, but it had to be done.

Tamaki's POV

I only slightly noticed the odd tugging on my food. When I bothered to look over, I noticed that Mirio was looking at me. I swallowed and stuttered, "Do I have something on my face?"

"No. It's just you seem so engrossed in thought right now. I just found it funny to see you so serious."

"Oh. Yeah, I was just thinking about what I should do for my class on Monday. Their supposed to start a big project and I was worried about what I could do to help them."

"Whatever you do they will appreciate. I saw how they looked at you with respect at the party. They all care about you. Not more than I do though."

"Thanks, Mirio. You always make me feel better. I'm glad I got to have a picnic with you even if Nejire and Uma had to leave early."

Uma's POV

A collective, silent groan commenced to all the onlookers as Mirio cut the spaghetti that could begin a relationship with him and Tamaki. I wondered how we could fix this. There must be a way around their stupidity. "Let's leave." I whispered, "We need to plan out Plan B." We snuck away and began to plan. We needed to do this so that not even they could ruin their chances. The only question was how.

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