Goofy little boy

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Mirio's POV

I had been about to leave so that I could get Tama- Amajiki some food. I had expected him to not want to talk to me after my confession.  What I hadn't expected was for him to let me in. Or to ask me to stay. I sat down on the floorboard wondering if Amajiki was going to tell me how he was disgusted by me. Anything really.

Instead of being insulted or rejected, when I went to talk, I felt lips touch my forehead. A wide, goofy, love-stricken smile spread on my face and my head became redder than a cherry. Hope that he reciprocated my feelings welled up inside of me.

I suddenly remembered that my indigo-haired friend hadn't eaten. I warmed up some food Uma had brought while Tamaki was asleep and set it in front of him. When my best friend refused to eat, I did a thing that mothers did to get babies to eat. When he protested, I shoved food into his mouth. It didn't take long for his appetite to kick in and he devoured the rest.

I smiled and hugged the adorable boy when he was done. What I didn't expect was for him to start crying. He let the emotions he had bottled for over a week spill out. I listened to every bit, feeling guilty. If I had just confessed earlier he might have not thought these dark thoughts.

I opened my mouth to comfort Tamaki when he cried, "I love you Mirio. I couldn't stand the thought that I had hurt you."

Emotions welled up in me. Happiness of him feeling the way I do. Sadness that I couldn't help him. But mostly protectiveness. I can't change the past. But I can build a happy future. A good life for him. I won't let the dark feeling ever return. "Tamaki," I said, "It's ok. Everything is fine as long as you're safe in my arms. You deserve the world. You are so amazing. That's why I love you. Because you are so kind and caring. Every bad thing melts away when I'm with you."

Tamaki lifted his head to protest and I took the opportunity to press my lips to his. My crush seemed to melt into my arms. When I pulled away, he whined as if wanting more. I chuckled, "Will you be my boyfriend?"

Tamaki turned red and mumbled, "Y-y-yes."

"What was that?" I teased, wanting to hear his answer again to be sure,

"Y-yes," Tamaki said a little louder.

"Perfect." I hummed with a goofy, love-struck look on my face. This was bliss. I leaned in and kissed my boyfriend again. He melted, even more, threatening to fall, so I pulled him into my lap. I could feel him heat up, but I kept going. I bit his lower lip asking for entrance. He opened up and I continued as gentle and slow as I could. I will never ruin this.

Tamaki's POV

I woke up again in Mirio's arms. He was holding me close to his chest. At first, I panicked. In one big rush, my memory reminded me of what had happened yesterday. My face heated up and I buried my face into Mirio. I smelled in his vanilla scent and thought about how lucky O was to have him as my boyfriend. I heard a small cough come from the other side of the room. Uma was standing at the door with two hot bowls of breakfast in her hands. My face heated this time in embarrassment.

"I'm really happy that you guys are dating. But you need to eat. Also, I'm not bringing you more food so you're going to have to leave your room. Torture, I know." Uma teased me setting down the food in front of me.

"Th-thanks for helping me. I can pay you back for the food you got for me."

"You can do that by spending the rest of your life with Mirio." Uma bopped my nose. I started eating and Uma left. After a few minutes, I felt Mirio stir next to me. "How's my favorite shy boi?"

I blushed and pointed to the bowl next to me, still warm from the cafeteria. Mirio sat up to dig in, but before he did, he planted a kiss on my cheek. I softly smiled which made my boyfriend beam. We sat and talked about what had happened when I was locked up in my room. 

It only took a few hours to coax me out of my room. Uma had already organized everyone for a small reunion. There were many happy faces in the crowd of students, more so when they learned that Mirio and I were now dating. I only stayed for thirty minutes- I don't like crowds- but it made me feel so much better. I stood alone on the porch outside feeling happier and safer than I had in my entire life. I lifted up my head and laughed. It felt good to be able to laugh genuinely. The had always been something that weighed on my shoulders, but at that moment I felt free.

A/N- So my readers. Should I end the story here or add in a truckload of fluff. Let me know in the comments

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