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scrolling through instagram while waiting for the city bus, i get a tap on my shoulder. i turn around.

i see a tall and buff man, i get scared.

"excuse me ma'am? are you cameron?"

i nod my head

"billie told me that you were a friend of hers, and wanted to let you hang out backstage with her. are you okay with that?"

i furrow my eyebrows together. what the fuck..

"how did she know i was here?" he shrugs. "i have no clue."

"ready to see her?" he asks. i nod my head. "yea,"

"follow me then, please." he turns around and starts walking. i get up quickly and follow behind him.

he leads me around the fence i went around earlier, and into the entrance of the fence. he holds it open for me and i go through. he then leads me to a door attached to the building, and uses a key to unlock it for me, then opens the door.

"go straight down the hallway and to your left, the first door on the right is where billie is at." i smile at him. "thank you,"

"no problem," he smiles slightly. "have a nice day."

i walk in the building and hear the door close behind me.


i suddenly get nervous.

why am i so nervous? i've seen her before

i continue to walk down the hallway, then take a left.

i see the door she's in because it's labeled:


i take a deep breath and hesitantly knock on the door.

synesthesia// billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now