~Chapter 1~

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(TW:Blood  I guesss??? I'm not really good at writing trigger warnings yet so sorry-)

It was about 3:40am and Stephen had just finished killing his last victim of the day. Usually he'd be asleep right now ,after all everybody needs there beauty sleep, but since the word got around about there gang they decided to kill at night for the time being.

He whiped the crimson blood off of his knife with his hoodie sleeve. He stared at the body of the women he'd just murdered. She'd most likely been having a night out at the pub but he couldn't care less. Picking her up, he walked to the nearest bin dumping her body inside and closing the lid before making his way home.

That was when he realised what he just did and groaned wondering why the bloody hell he wiped blood all over his hoodie. Even though it had started to rain, his main concern at the moment was if enough Vanish would get it off or if he'd had to bin another perfectly good hoodie.

The rain got heavier and heavier the wind blowing it into his face. Turning a corner, he attempted to pull his hood up even more as the sharp gusts of wind kept pushing it down.

This rain was his least favourite kind of rain, usually the rain made a nice pitter patter as it hit the window. He didn't mind that kind of rain, but stuff like this was just annoying. He almost reached the entrance to his flat which he had been living in for a couple of months now.

As the rain crashed down on the pavement he pushed up a set of black gates entering the entrance to the building. He put his keys into the door unlocking it and entering before slamming it shut and sighing in relief. The rain crashed against the door as if it was trying to get him as he walked over the staircase walking up them before reaching room 14 and unlocking the door.

After texting Jay about to events of the night, he took of his hoodie placing it in a pile of other bloodstained clothing he swore he was going to deal with soon before changing into some pyjamas and almost immediately going to sleep. It was unsuprisingly hard to fall asleep as the rain smacked against his window but he got there eventually.
Words:405 excluding this part.
These chapters will get longer as the story goes on but the moment they'll be pretty short sorry-

~Eating cereal with a serial Killer-Stosuh~(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now