~Chapter 2~

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It was a few days after the news, it was around 12:00am and Hosuh was walking down to the nearest open shop to buy some malk for his cereal. While the odds of him actually walking into a serial killer while going to buy milk was extremely low, he was anxious nonetheless.

The wind swept through the streets, it wasn't that rough but it was enough to make you shiver. The cold bit at his skin as he walked passed an alley. He coul barely move as a hand grabbed his arm dragging him into it he was pinned to the wall by some tall guy who was holding a knife.

He looked him up and down and fear filled his body, he knew the store wasn't that far away which meant he could attempt to push the killer dude off and dash to it. But he wasn't exactly the fastest and seeing the guys height advantage he was most likely faster than him. But if he didn't run he could die right then and there and he still had a lot of things to do before death.

After thinking it through he pushed the dude off and just friggin ran for it. Now, you know when you run but you run to fast and you trip over and come tumbling to the floor. Well lets just say that bloody happened to him at probably the most inconvenient time ever.

He was extremely embarrassed but goddamn it he wasn't gonna die today so he jumped up as quick as he could kicking the guy off him again as he grabbed his arm and running again this time sliiightly slower so he didn't fall to the floor again.

The wind tried to push him back into the killer guy which was just behind him but he prevailed reaching the store and running inside. It was empty and the only person really there was the poor soul who had been gifted night shift.

What kind of store is 24 hours? I dunno but eh who cares. As he entered he immediately dashed down any random isle. The milk didn't matter anymore. He stopped reaching the end of the isle looking around to see if the guy had followed him in. It would be really dumb if he had like sure he needed to get rid of all witnesses but stores have CCTVs and stuff soo-

He was more that relieved when he saw he hadn't been followed inside. So he bought some milk paying at the register with whatever money he had in his pocket and exiting the store.

There he saw the killer waiting outside for him. He couldn't muster any words other than.
"Well frick"
Words:456 excluding this part
A/N: Holy hecc thank you for 124 reads I never expected to get that many let alone this speedy so thanksss!

~Eating cereal with a serial Killer-Stosuh~(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now