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That brought him to now, locking himself in his room while a bloody serial killer watched Netflix on his sofa downstairs. The only good thing about this dang situation was that he got his goddamn cereal. So atleast he was eating cereal while locking himself in his room.

It was quite terrifying actually, the guy downstairs. The one who tried to kill him was in his house and he could end him at any moment. He himself had no clue on why the bloody hell he actually decided to let him into his house.

It was completely ridiculous, he didn't even know why he goddamn let him in his house. He was rewatching The camp cast so it was kinda hard to think over things and be nervous whilst James Marriott talked about people drawing him as a bagel. He didn't exactly know h o w he got here. All he really had much memories of was  dragging him in the house throwing the TV remote at him and running to his room to question all life choices.

Even though Dan had left him, which wasn't really a Dan thing to do. I mean what happened to the whole "Ohhh morals, I'll help everyone" thing! He couldn't really be mad because, if he w a s in Dan's shoes he would've ran away to. I mean turns out it wasn't actually the best idea on Dan's part, he'd seen the guy who he'd now nicknamed naruto d a s h after him and Daniel didn't exactly have the highest stamina and this Naruto guy seemed to be fast as heck.
Dan kept running but he started to feel himself getting tired. That was, obviously, a bad thing.  He looked around the area to see he was running down a street, there was a single lamppost as two rows of houses, one of which had a light on signifying that somebody was awake.

He debated stopping and taking a breather, he couldn't murder him with witnesses around right? However he didn't want to risk just standing in the street, I mean it could actually catch him on guard but that was fairly unlikely. But then again, it would be rude to just run to someone's house door and start knocking at this time.

It was hard as heck to choose.
HHhhhhhhhhhhhh sorry for not updating I'm trying man-
Hope you have a great Christmas, or heck if the next chapter doesn't come out by then, a happy new year.

~Eating cereal with a serial Killer-Stosuh~(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now