~Chapter 4~

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Dan stared at the gun quickly putting his hands in the air like he just don't care because gosh darn it he wasn't going to be shot dead over a house. The guy stared at him his finger moved closer to the trigger, but his grip didn't seem to tight on the gun. Thats what Dan took advantage off.

He grabbed the gun and ran for his life. The arsonist took a pair of scissors out of his pocket snapping it in half and using them as throwing knives . He seemed to have a fairly good aim as one stabbed straight into his shoulder and the other went into his arm but he just kept on running before hearing a very familiar scream and dashing down an alley.
After seeing the killer guy just standing there waiting he didn't hesitate to run. Why didn't he run back into the store? He panicked man. So he just kept running. He knew there was a very low chance of him actually getting away again.

After all, the first time he barely got away and he was half way there to his destination. So he just kept running as the fast paced footsteps drew closer and closer and closer behind him til he was shoved into an alley and pinned against a wall.

He stared into the guys eyes fear plastering his face as a grin crossed the others. Tears filled his eyes as a blade was pushed against his throat the man slowly applying pressure til he started to bleed seemingly wanting to go slow. A scream escaped his throat as he heard running from a distance.

He was extremely relieved to see his friend Dan to run down the alley, before he noticed the blood seeping through his shirt. He held the gun pointing it at Stephen. The blade in his arm was pulled out and put agAinst his throat by the guy behind him.

Now Dan completely regretted forgetting about him. Hosuh was desperately trying to get out of the guys grip the knife was pulled away from his neck which was slightly relieving. Daniel didn't hesitate to shoot Stephen three time in the arm which got him away from Hosuh who took the time to grab Stephens knife.

Hosuh hesitate before shutting his eyes and stabbing Jay, who had managed to get distracted three times in the arm before grabbing Daniel and just friggin running for it. Along the way they screeched for help to they ran into around 3 seemingly drunk
women and men around the age of 20-25.

They just had this dodgy energy, but because of the desperation they were goddamn in they didn't care who they found. They just wanted s o m e b o d y.
"HeeEeeEyy-" One said.
Hosuh spotted Jay and Stephen in the distance and his mind immediately went to panic.

"Dan we don't have time for this they've almost reached us." Hosuh whispered to Dan turning around to see that they'd disappeared.
"We need to leave now. They've g-" He turned to leave but one of them grabbed his arm.

Hosuh tried to pry it off his arm but to no avail. There bloody cause of death was gonna be some people not in the right head. "Let g-" The person immediately fell to the floor blood pouring from his head. Hosuh shrieked because he was a) goddamn dead and b) still holding onto his friggin arm.

Actually. He got a good look around. They were all goddamn dead and Daniel, the betraying fricker had left him behind. But don't worry Jay was chasing after him. Hosuh, was in the middle of a staring competition with Stephen who was covered head to toe in blood.

Hosuh would probably regret what he was about to do for the rest of his life. He looked around before grabbing Stephen by the arm and dragging him to his house.
"It's turning day soon, people will be leaving early or coming back early from there jobs. You'll be caught." He muttered.
Words:679 excluding this part.
Ok so, I'm writing this on my birthday so I'm kinda in a hurry but eh. So it might be a bit fast paced and really fucking bad but eh. It'll getbetter just like how it's getting longer.

~Eating cereal with a serial Killer-Stosuh~(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now