Chapter 8

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William had never hated his inability to communicate with people before, as much as he did at the moment. He wanted to talk to Lizzie, get to know her better but he just couldn't dare himself to open his mouth and speak. So he did the only other thing he could do with his mouth. He kissed her.


The next morning the group finally left back for home Lizzie could not help but repeat the kiss with William in her head again and again. It was just as hot and passionate like the rest of them but somehow it felt different and she wanted more. Unfortunately for her, her night had ended at just that and she had to spend most of her night awake tossing and turning in her bed wondering what was wrong with her.

She was annoyed at herself for thinking about William all this while but she was also unable to resist.

"It was a pleasure, spending time with you youngsters. I seldom ever get a respite for Mr. Bennet is always busy with his work and his silly piece of technology to spend some time with me. And my girls are busy with their work and studies to entertain their poor old mum." Lizzie rolled her eyes at her mother's pathetic excuse.

Mrs. Bennet had never been around for the girls. She had always been busy with the other upper class housewives, trying to keep up with their games to ever pay any attention to her daughters. The only way they did get any attention was either by rebelling or not rebelling. Hence, Lizzie was practically left without any and all kinds of attention since Jane was the perfect daughter to flaunt and with Lydia it was all about cleaning up her fuck ups.

"Oh, it was our pleasure to have you join us Mrs. Bennet. It would be wonderful to have a repeat again someday, perhaps our parents and Mr. Bennet would also be able to join us." Charles replied being his ever so gentleman self.

"Oh that would be splendid!" Mrs. Bennet almost jumped from joy on getting such a coveted invite and Lizzie swore she could almost see the dollar sign shine through her mothers eyes.

As they moved towards their respective vehicles, William moved ahead behind her to open the door. And she could swear the way his hands wrapped around her waist, it felt like a hug even though it was just for a millisecond.

She turned unsure as to why, but he had moved back and away and somehow even though the sun was shining brightly upon their heads, she suddenly felt cold.


As the days passed by Lizzie fell back into her routine and finally moved out into her studio apartment. According to Jane, Lydia was scoping around this film crew that was supposed to shoot around the town and Charles was as charming as he could be. They had been on a few dates now and things could not be anymore good for the couple.

"You know I miss you around the house. There is no one to keep a check on mom so she blabbers almost anything and everything. It is so embarrassing especially when William Darcy is around. I swear to god he is not human." Lizzie's ears perked up at the mention of Darcy as she unintentionally sat up straight in her chair.

"He was at our house?" She asked almost squealing at the end but then almost slapping herself for behaving in such a manner. Why would she care about William Darcy. He and his sexy-self could go to hell for all she cared.

"Yeah, he came with Charles once. It seemed he was disappointed throughout the duration of his visit and would like nothing more to run out our gates and straight to his tower of doom." Jane laughed as she explained how Darcy seemed restless through out his visit and kept on trying to get away but was pulled back in either by Charles, Caroline or their mother.

A smile graced Lizzie's lips as she listened to her sister. But she was also worried that their mother's outspoken nature could prove to be a detrimental to her sister's love life considering the amount of influence William and Caroline Bingley had on Charles and their blatant dislike for their mother's and Lydia's antics.

Jane and Lizzie had always been super close and shared almost every detail of their personal lives. It made Lizzie happy to see her sister so cheerful and bold, unlike her usual shy self. But it also worried her that if things did not work out, it would leave her sister broken. 

As days passed Lizzie adjusted to her new home quiet well. It felt alone sometimes but Jane's and Lydia's constant visits warmed her enough to sustain alone. There was another thing that seemed to make her enjoy her decision to move which happened to be the handsome stranger who happened to be one of the co-habits in her building. 

He lived at one of the lower floors in the modest 2 BHK flat as compared to her studio apartment but she could care less. Lizzie was never the one to care for bank balances and back grounds and hence could not help but be mesmerized by his sweet as sugar smile. 

They often met in the elevator holding small talks about the weather and the city and had gathered that his name was George Wickham.

George was cheerful and friendly and worked as an actor in soap operas, which was weird but cute and different at the same time.

It was suffice to say if George happened to ask Lizzie out, she won't be the one saying no.

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