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An: I double updated today so make sure you've read 44 first!

31 weeks


"Paisley come let me do your hair or we're gonna be late to start trick-or-treating!" I yell into the house from my bathroom. My own hair in loose curls falling nearly to my waist and my makeup done, all I had left to do is throw on my costume.

"I will say, even though I think these costumes are kind of a let down after last year, I mean, I had you paint our kid green, I appreciate how little effort they require."

"I'm basically eight months pregnant and your daughter's obsessed with Pooh. We took the comfy and cute approach this year. We'll be kick ass super heroes or like, anime next year when it's your turn to pick."

"I dunno if Pais would get to trick or treat if I can convince you to be Cat woman. Might not make it out the house." He stands behind me, his hot breath causing the hairs on the back of my neck to rise. I inhale sharply as he leans forward and runs his lips along the base of my neck, eliciting a throaty moan from me.

"Pigtail's mommy!" P says bounding through the door and killing the moment, oblivious to what she's interrupted. I glance up at Cal offering a "Sorry" look  and mouthing 'later'.

I pick Paisley up and place her on the chair in my bathroom. Cal flops on the bed and rolls over, propping his head in his hands and watching as I fix our daughter's hair. She only complains a few times as I manage to arrange her hair the way I want it.

"All done! You ready?"

"Yes!" She screams excitedly. "Get dressed mommy!"

"Why don't you and daddy go ahead and get your shoes on? Then you can wait for Aunt Lena, she's on the way. She's going to take our picture and then we can go."

"Okay!" She races over and grabs Cal's arm, pulling him up and tugging him behind her. He offers me a blown kiss as she pulls him out the door and down the stairs.

I laugh and begin the acrobatic display that getting dressed has become in the past few weeks. Ryker is getting big, he feels bigger than Paisley did at this point and I know I'll just continue to get more and more uncomfortable these last few weeks. Sierra had been calling me for moral support nearly every day as her due date approached, she was four days away and beyond done with being pregnant. I remember feeling like that and no doubt would be going through the same thing in a few weeks myself so I tried to be a good and understanding friend.

She and Luke had decided to forgo the Halloween festivities this year and opt for a quiet night home instead and as I slid my feet into my converse I wondered if maybe I should be doing the same.

The doorbell sends Duke into a fit of barks and I take that as my cue to head downstairs and our family night of fun.

"Hi, Len! You look great!" I move down the stairs as quickly as possible with what is basically a bowling ball attached to my torso. Lena is dressed as Tigger, keeping with the theme for the night.

"Hi, Jes! OMG little man has really started to show these last few weeks!"

"Right? Here I was thinking he was gonna be so tiny and I woke up one morning and my feet were just, gone. It's good to see you, sorry everything been so crazy."

"Don't worry about it Jes. With wedding planning and everything my life's been crazy too. You're always here when I need you, that's all that matters."

"How is Adam? He getting excited?"

"Oh yeah! He wanted to come tonight but he's working."

"What's he do again?"

Complicated | Calum Hood (Sequel to Unexpected)Where stories live. Discover now