chapter 1

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pov y/n

Okay so, I was on my way to the hospital after falling off my skateboard and somehow I managed to break my ankle, at least that's what it felt like.
I'm not a crybaby or something, don't get me wrong, I mean what do you expect from a 17 year old dumb ass like me?

I was staring out of the window, watching the little drops of water running down the window as if they were having a little race. "Y/N?" my mom's voice ripped me out of my thoughts and I turned my head to face her. "Huh? What?" I asked slightly confused, not noticing that she had stopped the car.
"We're here, now get your butt out" she said with a laugh, making me giggle.
I got out as carefully as possible and my mom took my hand to help me inside so I wouldn't pressure my foot to much.

Hospitals made me nervous, they always have and they always will. They just had something weird and scary about them.
A doctor, looking like he was in his mid 50s, approached us and took my medical information. "Doctor Paulson will be with you soon" he said and rushed off as fast as he came.
Doctor Paulson sounds nice and I'm pretty sure she or he must be new here since I've never heard about some doctor called Paulson.
The whole time my mom didn't let go of my hand, since she knew that hospitals made me really nervous and anxious. "It's gonna be fine Y/N. It won't take long anymore okay?" my mom tried to comfort me. Just as she finished her sentence, a doctor came towards us and I kid you not, she was one of the prettiest women, if not THE prettiest woman I've ever seen in my entire life. She had a darker shade of blonde hair and brown eyes, she was just perfect.
"You must be Y/N, right?" she asked smiling and I gave her a fast nod, making her giggle slightly. "I'm doctor Paulson. Shall we get started?"

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