chapter 5

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My mom just arrived to pick me up. I mean I know that she's happy that I'm coming home even though I was away for a day and not longer.
We were standing in front of the exit, my mom signing some stuff.
"I'll be right back, I need to get something" I said and quickly rushed off.

I made my way through the hallways until I came to an office which was labeled with Sarah's name.
"Okay okay, go in and just put it in her jacket" I mumbled to myself before entering. I looked at the letter one last time

"Hey Sarah, I just wanted to thank you for taking care of me. I hope this doesn't sound weird or something but it would be lovely if we could stay in touch.
Text me if you feel like it.
[your phone number]

I quickly put the letter into her jacket and made my way back to my mom.
"Ready to leave?" she asked looking at me.
"Yup" I said and the both of us went off.

"Y/N?" my mom asked with a voice that sounded like she was worrying about something. "What is it?" I asked in response.
"You're so quiet, are you okay?"
I let out a rather loud sigh "Yes, just tired"
"You sure?" "Mooooom" I exclaimed a little annoyed. "I'm sorry" she giggled "I just wanted to make sure you're okay"
"Wanna get something to eat? Maybe we can get something for your dad and sister as well"
I nodded and leaned back, of course, thinking about Sarah. I just can't get her out of my mind.
This woman is totally gonna drive me insane, there's just something about her that I can't let go, she's just perfect.
"Y/N?" I heard my mom ask, making me jump in fear. "Huh?" "What do you wanna eat?" she then asked.
"I don't care. Surprise me" I said smiling. "As you wish, Honey"

Right after we got in, I made my way upstairs, since I really don't like to eat with other people. That's just something I never liked, especially when people are staring, while you're eating. It makes me uncomfortable but whatever.
I say down on my bed and started eating in silence when my phone vibrated.

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