Chapter One

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Harper's POV

"I've got a pocket got a pocket full a sunshine, I've got a love and I know that it's all mine ohh, ohh, ohh" I sang as I put the last touches on my science project.

Making potatoes produce electricity to make light, is quite the cliché but sure is hard.

"Harper, Kira is here!" My mom, Janet yelled from downstairs.

"Okay Mom!" I yelled back.

I plugged my earphones from my phone and threw it on my bed. Then placed my project somewhere safe. A very safe place. Que the creepy eyes.

Okay, it's just in my closet.

I ran downstairs and into the kitchen picking up an apple from the fruit basket munching on it in seconds.

"Hey Kira" I said looking up at the blue eyed blonde I called my best friend.

"Harp! Your mother agreed!" Shouted a very excited Kira.

'What a nice greeting' I thought sarcastically.

"What?" I asked. What the hell is she so enthusiastic about?

"Get ready we have to go!" she shouted, pushing me back up the stairs. Mom looked at us weirdly, a smile playing on her lips.

"Kira what are you talking about?" I asked when we entered my room.

"You don't remember?" She asked a frown replacing her broad grin.

I shook my head.

She sighed.

"We agreed on this last week at my house. We were talking, you were using my macbook and I asked you to come with me to the party at the castle. You agreed, surprisingly, and I asked my Dad if he could get us on the list and he did."



At The Malcolm's Mansion

"I think the Princes are really cute" Kira said, twirling her blonde locks dreamily.

I nodded looking down at her laptop playing my favorite game 'Destiny'.

"I heard they were keeping a party at the castle"

"Kay" I said, not really paying attention.

"I want you to come with me"

"Okay" I said, smirking in victory as I shot the man. He asked for it.


"Yes!" I yelled as the words 'YOU WIN' played across the screen.

"Great I'll tell Dad to get us on the list"

I looked up, Kira nowhere in sight, "Where did she go?" I asked myself outloud. They move on so fast...

End Of Flashback


My eyes widened as I remembered.

Note to self: Always pay attention to Kira's rants.

"It was too good to be true you hate Prince Asher I should've known you wouldn't agree to go to a party that he's hosting, I'll go home to get ready, see you tomorrow"

She looked real sad. I guess I could do this at least once for her.

"Kira wait, I'll go"

She turned around grinning.

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