Just for tonight. - Gyjo

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The sun was setting over the horizon and both boys knew they needed to set up camp for the night, as not only were they both extremely exhausted the long journey was taking a toll on their horses as well. As Gyro laid down their sleeping bags and fed/watered their horses, Johnny carefully got off of his horse and made his way over to his sleeping bag.

"Hey Johnny you ok?"
"I'm fine Gyro I promise, it's not a problem you know?"
"I know, I just hate seeing you have to practically drag yourself to your bed, I'll help you next time"
"Hmm, whatever you say."

Johnny had settled quite nicely, as his tense body started to relax he drifted in and out of sleep not really wanting to fall asleep but not opposing the idea either. He didn't know how long he was out, minutes? hours? but he was startled awake to Gyro quietly shaking him

"What the hell are you doing Gyro, I'm trying to sleep"
"I'm sorry for waking you it's just....I don't know where my teddy went and i can't sleep without it."
"Oh my god, how old are you again?"
"Don't tease me! I'm serious. Can I...canicuddlewithyou just for tonight?"

Johnny sighed sitting up the best he could, he looked into Gyros eyes which were slightly damp and avoiding his gaze completely. Gyros cheeks burned with embarrassment at the situation.
"Can you what? You're mumbling" Johnny smirked at his partner as he watched him squirm at the staring coming from Johnny.
"Can I cuddle with you. Just for tonight?" Johnnys whole face went ablaze in a red hot blush, he could feel himself burning up. He knew Gyro said just for tonight, but he was secretly hoping for it to be so much more. Johnny wasn't opposed to cuddling with Gyro, in fact he wasn't opposed to anything when it came to the whole topic of Gyro. Johnny felt himself falling for Gyro as each day grew, he knew being paralysed only weighed down Gyro and saw himself as a complete burden on the boy, but Gyro stayed around Johnny as close as possible. And Johnny loved him for that, he loved how in the most serious moments Gyro always happened to crack a joke to make Johnny less tense.

"YES WE CAN CUDDLE! I mean... I- uh yeah."
"You really want to cuddle me?"
"Yes Gyro I really want to fucking cuddle you right now"

Johnny gave him no time to answer because he was pulling himself over to Gyro and softly landing his body on top of him, pulling the blankets he had around them as cozy as possible and snuggling into Gyros chest closing his eyes, leaving Gyro a complete blushing mess. Ok he had to stay calm, he had the most amazing, beautiful boy he'd ever seen lying on top of him and snuggling him peacefully, he couldn't mess this up. He slowly snaked his arms around Johnnys waist which made him let out a shaky breathe. All he could do was look at the boy cuddling him and let out a wide smile as he giggled softly.

By this time, Johnny had fallen asleep leaving Gyro awake in his thoughts, he held onto Johnny never wanting to let go, whatever was out there in the desert facing them, he was prepared because no-one was going to get in the way of Gyro and the happy ending he craved with Johnny Joestar by his side.
"I love you Johnny, I love you more than you know."

And in the dark sky of that one amazing night, Gyro fell asleep with the boy of his dreams cuddled into him snoring peacefully, and he forgot about all of lives troubles. Just for tonight.

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