Running out of time - Gyjo

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He plummeted into the ground with a gasp. As he battle with consciousness there was a piercing sting that stretched through his body and shocked his soul. Gyro was quick to realise that the cold that rushed through him was from the icy waves he had fallen into a moment prior, a bittersweet contrast from the burning sensation that was coming from his open wound.  He couldn't help but smile, even though he lay there bleeding out, ready to pass on in the next minute or so, he couldn't help but think of everything that led him up to this point.
    It was always him..the boy with the blue lips and the biggest smile a broken boy could plaster. The boy that picked Gyro up from the ground and held him in his tight embrace, Johnny; the boy he hated to love, the one he would miss the most once this was over. His thoughts where interrupted as wet splodges violently hit him like bullets from a gun. He panicked internally as he knew, he was running out of time..

"Hey?..Gyro..look at me...hey, we're going to get through this I promise, you'll be ok.."

Running out of time

"Don't be too hopeful Johnny, I'm already to far gone."

Running out of time

"What?? Stop it! I'm not letting you die on me!"

Running out of time

Gyro winced at the pain as he felt Johnnys calloused hands press down on the wound to stop it from bleeding. He knew his life was draining at a fast pace and he just had to tell Johnny the truth, but he couldn't.. everytime he tried his throat closed and he couldn't speak.

Running out of time

"Hey Johnny, better not...please"

Running out of time


"Johnny I-"

Out of time...

His eyes had fluttered shut in an instant, and for the first time in months Johnnys life went dark. He cradled Gyros body as tightly as he could to his chest and sobbed.

"Gyro please, come back..I can't do this without you Gyro- I LOVE YOU! Please don't leave me....."

...but he was too far gone. Johnny had gently put Gyros body on the sand and sat beside him for hours, telling him things he wish he could have if they were alive..Johnny could have stopped this madness, stopped pursuing the corpse parts, it wouldn't matter if he couldn't walk again because at least he would have Gyro.

"I'm sorry I couldn't tell you when you were alive just how much you meant to's
stupid but, you were always on my mind, with you're dumb stupid smile and even dumber jokes. And when I told you I had trouble sleeping on colder nights, you would pull me close and snuggle into my back with your arms wrapped around my waist.. I never felt more warm. And sometimes I would catch you staring at me, like I was the most famous painting in the world..but to me you were a living art piece... and I know deep down you loved me too, we were happy you and I...I just wish that I could have kissed you.. it's stupid what I'm saying and if you can hear me, wherever you are now..I love you, always."

What Johnny didn't know, was that an angel in heaven was looking down on him and shouting from the clouds that he loved him too.

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