Afterlife - Dinopants

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No, this wasn't right. There was a loud buzzing in her brain and puncture holes in her lungs and heart, as she was thrown out the train and hurdled through the air till she landed with a thump, her body going limp.

Hot Pants opened her eyes to be met with a smoky fog that intoxicated her nose and mouth, as she plundered through the fog she was met with a blue stream and meadows as far as her eyes could carry her, through the storm there was calm after all. If this was heaven, it wasn't what she imagined it to be. To be frank, she didn't expect it to be specific in any way. But a clear sky, cold rivers. Green hills with blooming flowers wasn't the picture in her head. It filled her soul or what was left of it with calmness, as she walked through the meadow it felt like her legs were floating.

HotPants laid down on the grass and stared at the blue sky, she pondered every single moment of her life and how it brought her to this moment. She knew deep down she wasn't deserving of a happy ending but she expected to at least try have one like everyone else. Every dull memory brought her back to one person.

  Diego Brando....

That stupid, handsome idiotic Diego Brando that she couldn't get off of her mind, who she would peek glances at and hope he'd look back in return, that stupid idiot in which her attempts to stun him ended up in them kissing, how he made her lips tingle and mind buzz in longing. That stupid idiot...who she would never see again.

"VALENTINE YOU BASTARD!" Diego lunged at Valentine, mind full of adrenaline not thinking in the slightest as he pushed him to the ground, he had Valentine hanging off of the side of the carriage, but as he went to shove  him forward Valentines stand had grabbed Diego and thrown him down onto the tracks, his head was dizzy and his mind was gushing with empty memories, he knew the train would hit his body and leave him for dead, he was so sure he wasn't scared of death, yet why was this so terrifying? He closed his eyes and braced for heavy impact. He didn't know when it happened but it felt like years compared to the reality of 2 seconds. It was numb, it was cold and it was dark.

He was falling, falling fast. Through fog that clogged his nose and made his eyes water, until he landed with a fud onto fresh grass and blossoming flowers. He let out a pained wheeze and sat up quickly, looking around he realised how abnormal this was. Didn't he just die? So why was he sitting in a daisy field. And who was that in the distance. His killer instincts kicked in as he charged at the figure lying down in the distance. Diego pounced on the person lying down in a thump and was about to claw their face with his elongated nails before he realised who it was.

"H..Hot Pants?" Diego sat up and scrambled off of her sitting in front of her with an expression Hot Pants couldn't quite grasp. Admiration? Excitement? But also nervousness and fear. She sprung up and took a step back letting out an audible gasp.

"No no no What are you doing here? You can't be dead! No Diego what did you do....what did you do?!" She looked into his confused eyes as tears sprung freely from her own.
"You were meant to a life, defeat him. This can't be real, it's not your time."

"HotPants?" He was confused, wasn't she glad to see him. He was ecstatic to see her but he realised the feelings he had must not have freely been returned. "I-I'm sorry."

She lunged towards him eyes full of tears as she punched into his chest. "Y-you idiot, you idiot. YOU idiot!!" He stood there in shock as he shakily wrapped his arms around her.

"I-Im sorry, hot pants please."
"You were meant to live.... you were meant to live Diego, how could you?"
"I...I was foolish, I wasn't thinking straight I couldn't bare to loose you. I- I'm sorry!!!"
"What?" She pushed herself away from him as she looked into his saddened eyes.
"I'm sorry?"
"No before that. What did you say?"

"I couldn't bare to loose you."


"Because I love you Hot Pants, I love you and I know I shouldn't but I do."

"Why didn't you tell me this when we were alive, I- we- we could have been something."

"I was scared" Diego started to sob, he sat down on the grass and sobbed relentlessly, he proud himself on being stone cold and emotionless, that nothing could hurt him, but this love that he was feeling it struck him like a blade to the heart. He was dead, they were dead. So why did it feel so real?

"Oh Diego...Diego I'm sorry hey c'mon it's ok." She sat down next to him and pulled him towards her till he was sniffling into her shoulder. "You're going to be ok I promise, I'm sorry for getting mad at you I just didn't expect you to be here so soon. Diego I do love you, I love you more than you know I'm so sorry please forgive me."

Hot pants had snaked her hand through his locks and played with his hair, his cheeks heated up in a bright blush as he was so touch starved.

"Please love me Hot Pants. I'm sorry."
"I will Diego for all of eternity, I love you even if you are an idiot."
"Heh, even if I am an idiot?"
"Don't oversell it, it's a nice moment."
"Yeah, it's a nice moment."


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