Chapter One

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Chapter One:
School's Out For Summer!

Jack walked down the halls, thankful for school to finally be over. Every day in that place made him want to jump off the bridge in town a little more.

But he couldn't do that to his mom. His mom was already destroyed enough after his dad died, which he believed to be his fault, and losing him would destroy her completely.

She was already stressed enough with her night shift job just to make ends meet, and he didn't want to cause any more stress with his problems.

Jack sighed, pulling the the bag closer to him as he left his class, much slower than the rest of the students who were rushing to get out of this place.

Jack's movements were slower due to his continued lack of sleep. He didn't sleep last night, or the night before that. That's a full forty-eight hours without any sleep.

He promised himself to get at least an hour of sleep tonight to avoid losing it completely. That's about the amount he can get before the nightmares started, anyway.

But every two days, he forced himself to sleep. No matter how scared he was to, he did. Jack didn't want to go crazy, for real. He already believed himself to be crazy because of the hallucinations of that creepy ass clown he's been seeing, but he couldn't bring himself to get anymore sleep.

He had only once stayed awake for three days straight, and he never wanted to again. The horrors he saw that night were worse than any of the night terrors he had ever had. Ever.

Jack did not want a repeat of those nights ever again. He still shuddered at the thought of it. Little did he know, poor Jack would experience much worse this summer.

Jack passed by the Bowers gang, avoiding looking at them to avoid confrontation. He really didn't feel like snapping at someone today. He didn't have the energy for that, or anything else.

His blue eyes drooped, and the dark purple bags under them were more prominent today then they had been before.

He yawned, his eyes momentarily shutting until he ran straight into another person.

"Watch it, druggie!" Greta Keene sneered, shoving the boy before walking into the girl's bathroom.

Jack's left eye twitched as he raised his middle finger toward the insufferable girl. "God, she's so annoying!"

Jack, now in a very annoyed mood, pushed his way past students, not caring if he bumped into anyone.

"Unbelieveable. How do people put up with her?" Jack muttered to himself, shoving past a group of boys.

"Woah, woah, woah, fuck you! Fuckin'  druggie." One of the four shouted, glaring at him.

Jack raised his finger, flipping off the boy as he walked to the black buckets to dump out his stuff.

Jack sighed, pulling the backpack straps tighter over his shoulders and stepping into the sunlight. The bright sun shone into his eyes causing him to groan, "Ugh, great."

He raised his hand to block the sun from his sensitive eyes. His blue eyes were sensitive due to his lack of sleep.

All Jack wanted to do was to go home and contemplate his life choices and wonder where he went wrong. And he's gone wrong. Somewhere in his life he went wrong, and he just wanted to know where.

Jack sluggishly pulled his backpack open and dumped it's contents into the bucket. Mild joy filled his heart at the actions. Deciding to take a break, he yawned and leaned on the black buckets with his elbows.

That's when the group of boys he bumped into earlier showed up.

They began talking to each other, but Jack couldn't hear them as he had fallen asleep.

"Look at that loser." Richie Tozier scoffed, nudging him lightly. "The druggie's asleep."

"He's no-no-not a drug-druggie, Richie." Bill Denbrough defended the sleeping boy. "They're ca-ca-caf-caff-caffine pills."

"I heard pills. Druggie." Richie said, jumping back when the blonde boy suddenly let out a loud yelp and jumped up.

"Woah, woah, woah, woah, what the fuck was that?" The boy with glasses asked, raising his hands.."A side effect of all those drugs?"

"Fuck off, four eyes." Jack groaned, "Not in the mood."

The boy rolled his eyes, "Whatever. We've got places to be anyway. Who doesn't love splashing around in shitty water?"

Jack was about to answer, but he got cut off by the Bowers gang. Jack felt anger flow through his blood stream.

All he wanted to do was go home and sit on the couch so he could regret everything he's ever done ever.

But no! These assholes had to ruin it for him.

"Bowers, this is not the time." Jack said irritated.

"Why? You gotta go home? Do some fucking drugs? You little druggie!"

"They're caffeine pills! Not like you need to know, or anything though." Jack scoffed, trying to walk away.

"Pills are still drugs, druggie." Henry Bowers called, "Hope you don't overdose... again. We wouldn't want that, now would we?" He smiled, licking his front teeth.

Jack fell silent, turning his head to face the crazy boy. "Fuck off, Bowers."

"What was it like? Hm? Being so close to death?" Henry pushed, stepping close so that he was toe to toe with the younger boy. Jack glared, but said nothing.

Seeing no reaction, Henry moved on. Unfortunately, Bill had to taunt him.

"You s-s-s-s-sss-s-ss-suck, Bowers!" Bill shouted, and Jack felt himself roll his eyes. Henry was leaving! And Bill just had to mess it up.

"You s-s-s-say something, B-b-buh-buh-billy?"

"Bill." Jack muttered, "Tsk, tsk."

"You got a free ride this year, because of your brother, but this summer's gonna be a shit show for you and your faggot druggie friends."

"Henry, you should fucking leave." Jack muttered, fighting to keep his eyes open.

Henry glared at the group, wiping his licked hand on Bill's face and walking off.

Jack watched in silence, trying to keep down his yawns. So much for a calm last day.


{ Word Count: 1040 }

{ A/n: this sucked I'm sorry }

{ Edited: No }

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