The Journey part 1

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It was a normal sunny day as I walked around outside. All the other does where gathered around talking about the cutest bucks. I, however, do not think there is a buck that can put up with someone as small as me. I am the smallest of all the does, and I don't talk much. According to the others, I don't have much of a personality. Oh well, at least I have Fiver and Hazel to spend time with.

"Fiver!" Hazel yells from a distant.

"What are you looking for Fiver for?" I ask as I approach him.

"I'm going to bring him to eat some of the flowers I saw blooming. Would you like to come Stormi?" he asked me.

"I'd love to!"

Hazel continues to look for Fiver as he goes into one of the burrow openings. I follow behind him and listen to the conversations of River and Henla as I pass their burrow. Henla was my buck. He treated me like a princess. But then he saw how pretty, smart, kind, and stronger River was. She was a normal sized doe, and she was very pretty. The two of them where taking about starting a family together. How I wish I could have someone who would love me for me. It's just not fair.

We arrived at a small burrow that held a whimpering Fiver in it. He was sleeping and crying, he was having a nightmare, or what I call, a vision. Hazel started to whisper Fivers name, and he eventually woke up.

"You were having another nightmare brother." Hazel says.

"It was the strangest dream." Fiver says.

"Come on, let's get something to eat. I think I saw some sow thistle down by the stream." Hazel says as he nudges Fiver to his feet.

" I dreamt that.. that something was coming to Sandleford. I think it might mean we're in danger." Fiver says as we reach the top of the burrow.

Fiver continues to tell us about his dream as we trot towards the river. Hazel isn't paying too close attention, but I am listening and prossesing every word that he says.

"And caption Holly was in it, and-"

"My father, he was in your dream? Hazel, what if Holly is in danger?" I ask as I stop I'm front of him.

" Stomi, Holly can handle himself. I'm sure he's fine." Hazel informs me as he goes around me.

" I know, and I know that no one likes hearing about someone else's dream but..." Fiver continues.

Hazel stops and stares at Dewdrop. Dewdrop and the other does around her were snickering and whispering. I knew that nothing good could come out of those does. And I hope to frith that if he asks her out, she doesn't hurt him too bad.

"Hazel, come on." I say to break him out of his trance.

We continue to walk and then cross some stones in the water to get to the sow thistle.

"Look! Sow thistle! Finally something good to eat." Hazel says.

We go to take a bite when two members of the Owsla approach us.

"Hey, you three! You know the rules."

"Sow thistle is reserved for members of the Owsla only. Don't you know that?" The second Owlsa member says.

As we trot away, they chuckle at us and then eat some of the sow thistle.

"I'm sick of the rules." I say " Nothing is fair anymore. Why should we have to eat the cruddy food and they get to eat all the good stuff? Because there bigger and stronger? Whatever." I say, rambling a bit.

We arrive at the end of a fence where the sunset shines over a mountain. Fiver stops and stands on his hind legs. I stop and do the same.

" This is where it comes from. The thing in my dream." Fiver says in a depresses tone. "Look! The fields are filled with blood."

I look at the hills closely, but I don't see any blood. All I see is the beautiful sunset crossing the hills.

"It's only the light of the sunset Fiver." Hazel says.

"Brother, I know everyone thinks I'm strange. Even you sometimes, but you have to believe me. Something will come to this place. Something foul, and evil. We need to warn everyone.

"Fiver, were outskirts. No one will believe us. They don't listen to us." I say.

"Well we must make them listen. " Fiver tell us confidently.

"And how do you propose we do that?" Hazel asked.

We ended up outside of the chief rabbit's burrow. A large rabbit was sat outside of the opening chewing on some grass.

"Go away. He's busy." He tells us.

"We only need a few moments with the Therah, Bigwig, and we wouldn't ask if it weren't important." Hazel tells the guard.

They look at each other for a second, before the rabbit sighs and allows us to go in. Well, I don't because I don't need to be there. Hazel is the speaker, and Fiver is there to back him up and tell his story of his dreams. I sat myself infront of Bigwig as Fiver and Hazel talked to the Therah. I loud yell echoed through the burrow and then Therah yelled for Bigwig. I knew he was going to get his head chewed off for this. I looked at him with sympathy and he looked at me with anger. He walked down the burrow and I could hear Therah yelling at him as Hazel and Fiver arrived back at the opening.

"Hazel, Stormi, that was our answer. We can leave now, or we can be destroyed with this place." Fiver tells us.

I look at Hazel for an answer. I already knew that I was going with Fiver. I trusted him. Hazel thinks for a moment before answering.

"We need to spread the word to as many rabbit's as possible. But be careful. If the Owlsa gets wind of this, there will be trouble." Hazel says before going to tell other rabbit's.

We are going to meet under a dock by the stream at midnight.

1123 words.

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