The Journey part 3

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I woke up when Hazel thumped his foot on the ground.

A fat brown rabbit walking on it's hind legs was approaching our scrapes.

"Why is he walking like that?" I asked turning my head to the side.

Hazel sniffs at the rabbit before asking who it was and what they wanted.

"My name is Cowslip. I come from a Warren just across the field here. I don't want anything from you. You look tired. Have you come a long way?" The rabbit asks. His voice was strangely calm and peaceful. It was nice to hear a peaceful rabbit in our situation.

"So what if we have? That doesn't mean we can't defend ourselves." Bigwig says in a threatening tone.

"I don't doubt that for one second. Our Warren's not as big as we'd like, but there's enough food to go around. And if you'd like to live with us, we welcome you. These scrapes don't look too comfortable. Heavier storms are coming soon." He took a pause as he turned around. "Anyway, if you'll excuse me, I hate the rain." He finished before hopping away.

What a strange rabbit.

"We're going right? He seemed nice. I liked him. Let's go. Let's go right now." One of the bucks said.

"But why did he invite us there? It makes no sense to share with us. I've got a feeling-"

One of the rabbits sighed and rolled his eyes.

"I've got a feeling that we should have nothing to do with that rabbit and his Warren, that we should leave this place and head for the down. What do you think Hazel?" Fiver finishes.

"We all know what Hazel thinks. He thinks the same as Fiver." A rabbit mocks.

"I think we should head to Cowslip Warren." Hazel says as he walks forward.

He explains that these scrapes aren't good in this weather, and that he wants to get warm and sleep.

We all quickly run to the Warren, wanting nothing more than a good nights sleep. We arrived at a large tree in the middle of a field. When we approach it, rabbits poke their heads out to look at us. We approach Cowslip and he speaks to us.

"Friends," he takes a pause as he looks at us. "I'm happy you've come. Allow me to take you down." He paused agian and looked at us "to the great burrow."

As we walked down the tunnels under  the tree, everyone was sniffing the air and looking around. The air here smelled... Different. The rabbits smelled different. They seemed different. Everything just seemed a little off.

We entered a large room with tangled roots for the roof and the sides. Everyone was in awe and muttering stuff about the roof and how amazing this place was. I'll admit, it was pretty amazing. Hawkbit made a note about the size of the rabbits, and how they could rip us to pieces. I shuddered at the thought of it.

"Hazel, may I be the first, to welcome you all to our warren?" Cawslip asked.

"Thank you, where glad to be here." Hazel began to speak as he stepped forward. "This is a fine Warren you have. When you said it wasn't as big as you'd like, we were expecting something alot smaller. Where their more of you living here once?"

Nobody responds, only mutters and whispers from the crowd. How strange. He tells us to settle in, and that there's everything you'll ever need. I think it's a little strange that he phrases it that way, but everything about this place is strange.

"Hazel, I've got a bad feeling about this place. Why are the rabbits here so big?" Fiver whispers as he trots away with Hazel in a different direction.

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