The Siege Part 2

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The only sound that filled my ears was the sound of rapid breathing.

"Everyone, be quite." Hazel tells us as he tries to listen to the Efrafans above us. "They've left the tunnels." He says as he turns around.

Directly after he said that, their was a loud thud, accompanied by yells. Then more. The soil above us states to crumble and fall.

"They're coming from above." Hazel informs us, as if we didn't already know.

Blackberry makes a valid point that we won't be able to defend ourselves.

"Everyone, go to the back burrow and seal it off. Bigwig and I are going to hold them off until you do." Hazel orders.

Everyone begins running to the back burrow, and I look at Bigwig in shock. The two of them are going to die. Even if Bigwig and Hazel are tough, there will be too many of them to fight off.

I walk, towards Bigwig.

"Hey, it'll be alright." He says as he steps down from his perch and hugs me.

"I- I'm scared." I admit.

"I know. But you'll be okay. "

"But you won't be." I choke out.

He doesn't respond.

"Go." He says after sometime.

"I love you." I tell him right before going into the burrow as the others wait to seal it off.

Bigwig's P.O.V (agian.)

"I love you." She says before leaving.

"I love you, too." I whisper.
"Quite the spot were in." I say to Hazel as we look up.

"I didn't think it would end like this, Thlayli." Hazel gasps out. "I thought it would end with Bluebell boring our grand kids with tales of our great adventures."

"Maybe in some world it did."

Then Fiver appears.

"Fiver? Fiver, what are you doing here?" Hazel asks.

"I just came to say sorry for not being able to help us." He says in a sorrow filled tone.

"No, no, no, Fiver, stop." Hazel tries to get him to stop.

"For not being able to see clearly. You were right. What use am I if I don't have my visions?"

"Fiver, listen to me. Your friendship is worth more to me than any vision and it always will. Now, by the time Inle rises, our bodies may lie broken, but what connects us is unbreakable."

Fiver seems to be having another visions as he falls to the floor and begins to yell.

"I know what we have to do." Fiver begins as he stands up. "We have to go to the farm."

"Brother, we're surrounded, we won't be able to dig out fast enough." Fiver tells them.

"I can get you out." I hear Strawberry say as she walks out from the back burrow.

The dirt begins to crumble and fall, we don't have much time.

"Go! Go! Seal yourselves into the back burrow, but leave the tunnel open on this side. Alright?" I tell them.

"I have one final trick for you. When you are spent, when you've given all that you can give, you tell them that you guard this burrow for your chief rabbit." Hazel tells me at the entrance of the back burrow.

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