9. What is going on???

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Hi Choco sticks

How are you all?? I am really sorry. I know that I have been offline again. I am doing MBA and its pretty hectic. I had exams and at the same time, I got sick. I have a lot of extra work to be done at the college. So really sorry that I couldn't update the story. Well, here I am with a new update. I hope you all will like it.

Before going into the story, I just wanted to know if you all liked the story or not??? Please let me know if you all liked it or not. Please do let me know if you want me to continue the story or if you want me to start another new story.

Anything is fine guys. But please do let me know. I am actually not getting so much of response, that's why I am very confused. This story is very close to my heart. That's why I started it. So please do let me know how much you all liked the story, what are you expecting from the story and from me, so that I will make sure to make your wishes come true in this story.

And many asked me to continue MY SHORT LOVE STORY. I will definitely do that but need some time.


Ashni POV:

We all were having a really good time. I have never seen Dr. Roshan, this side of fun. He is talking a lot, laughing, opening up with us. I just loved to see this side of him. And OMG, he has a killer smile. Girls can die for that smile. I felt a pat on my shoulder, that's when I realized that I was completely drooling at him. Thank god, he didn't notice it.

"Okay guys, I have another story." Said Anrag.

"OMG, No. You have been telling all my embarrassing stories. Please stop." I said.

"No no. Let him tell. I wanna know." Roshan said. When he said that there was a pin drop silence. Why does he want to know my stories?

"So that I can tease and make you work strictly at work." He answered as if he read my mind. I just smiled at him.

"Okay, she is a very pampered kid. Even my parents love her more than they love me. So once we went to a zoo, and........" He was telling.

"Anrag, please not that story," I said. At that, he started to laugh.

"So, while we were at the zoo, our parents got us ice creams. While touring in the zoo, we went near the monkey's cage. Our parents everyone warned her not to go near, as we have ice creams in hand, but this madam, being very stubborn went near to cage. Suddenly a monkey came and sat on her head and took ice cream and started to eat it. She screamed so loudly that the poor monkey and other animals there got so scared that all of them started running here and there and making a lot of noise. We couldn't control our laugh, everyone there was also laughing. Just then Ashni noticed that there was another little girl there who was also having ice cream and laughing for what just happened. So, this lady walked up to her, took the ice cream and went near the cage and gave that ice cream to another monkey. Then that poor girl started crying.

To make all of us shut, our parents got all ice creams again, even to that girl." He said, and everyone started to laugh at me.

"I never thought you would be that cruel Ashni," Icha said while trying to control her laugh.

I was so embarrassed, I just kept silent. But, Ahana was different. She didn't laugh.

"What happened Ahana?" I asked.

"Maybe, she didn't get the joke," Anrag said. I hit him.

"Actually, how can I not get that. She took away my favorite flavor and gave it to a monkey." She said.

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