Chapter 2: Mt. Burvine encounter!

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Ivara region
Crowfoot village
Neil and Espurr made it to Crowfoot village in response to the emergency call. Tyra had told Neil that Armando's unit was in trouble, so he quickly readied his things and went to save them. Crowfoot village was west of plantain path so he reached there easily. It was a small village but was well known for selling the best snacks in the ivara region, if Neil was going to hike a mountain he needed to keep his strength up. Neil bought a sufficient supply of lemonade and lava cookies with the remaining of Kasper's funds. These items could also be used to heal Espurr if anything happened to it.
Fern path
Fern cave
Neil finally left the village and headed to fern path where he encountered a cave. "A cave..." Neil sighed. "I guess we'll encounter some wild Pokemon there huh? I hope your ready Espurr" Neil said " I'll try my best master" Neil heard a feminine voice in his head and started to freak out "ehhhhhh!" It wasn't uncommon for psychic type Pokemon to speak through telepathy but Neil didn't expect this. "What's wrong master?" Espurr said. "Why didn't you say you could use telepathy before" Neil asked. Timidly Espurr said "I wasn't sure if you would like me to use it". Neil could sense that Espurr was uncomfortable with the questions and moved on.
Almost immediately The duo was attacked by a wild Pokemon a Zubat. (Tsk! my first Pokemon battle is with a Zubat. Whatever) Neil thought to himself. "Espurr use psybeam!" Neil commanded. "Esssspurr!" Espurr screamed as it fired a beam of psychic energy at Zubat who dodged it. 'Sreech!!!!!!' a horrible sound was launched at Espurr by Zubat confusing it instantly. "Espurr concentrate and use psybeam again!" Neil screamed. Espurr looking dazed "Espurrrr" fired the attack at the wrong direction, but due to the walls of the cave the beam was reflected. Zubat was struggling to not get hit by the super effective move but alas the beam hit it's ears(critical hit) the Zubat then fainted. Neil readied a pokeball and threw it at zubat. The ball moved around 3 times until it finally stopped. "Alright I caught a zubat!" Neil exclaimed happily (my first caught Pokemon even though it is a zubat hehe)
Neil and Espurr were getting closer to the end of the cave and Neil observed again that the cat was staring at him. "What's up Espurr?" Neil asked "ess nothing nothing at all! Purrr" Espurr answered nervously and turned away. (Was it blushing? Maybe it's hungry) Neil thought to himself as he brought out a lava cookie and a can of lemonade. "Here" Neil gave the lava Cookie to Espurr who happily ate it. "Drink this slowly" Neil said petting Espurr who was drinking the lemonade smiling. Neil then made another discovery. "Espurr your female aren't you?" 'Nyaaaa!' Espurr let out a scream with a red face "how did you know master?" Espurr asked "well your fur is soft and I heard male Espurr's have rough fur"Neil explained "oh I see" Espurr said as she looked let down.
Mt Burvine
Neil and Espurr made it out of Fern cave and reached mt Burvine. It was filled with tourist and wild Pokemon alike."beware the monster" a tourist said to Neil as he continued his journey to the peak of the mountain. As he kept going the snow got a lot heavier. Snorunts and sneasels started to evacuate as the snowstorm got worse. Neil's determination to reach the top kept him going until he saw something "what's that?" he asked. The snow was moving it seems creatures were buried under the snow, these were Snovers. Neil picked up his Pokedex and analysed the Pokemon
Snover: The Frost tree Pokemon: a grass and ice type it Is said that these creatures are the spirits that protect snow plains yet they don't usually attack humans.
There's 5 snovers in total two were still in hiding in the snow one was a female with an almost completely white body.a skinny male one and one with a burn scar on his face. 'snover snover ver sno" it seemed like it was addressing Neil. "Espurr could you translate for me?" Neil asked "sure thing master" Espurr said as she made a telepathic field around Neil and the Snovers "you human your here for the stone aren't you!" The scarred snover said with a deep voice. " Yes I have alongside 6 other humans wearing white" Neil told him trying to get info. "6 humans... am sure Abon's got them trapped on the peak." The scarred one told Neil. " Who's Abon? Neil asked. "His my brother he evolved suddenly and went crazy. All thanks to that stone" the scarred one replied. "Fine then I'll just get the stone from him and save my men" Neil said while walking away. " I won't let you hurt my brother!" The scarred screamed. The 4 snover began glowing indicating their shared ability snow warning as the scarred ran towards Espurr.
"Damn it I guess I'll have to battle" Neil cursed "Zubat you too come out" he then tossed a pokeball in air and Zubat came flying out. 'Zuuuuu!' the blind bat Screamed "use supersonic Espurr use confusion on the other 4" Neil ordered his Pokemon "zuuuu" Zubat released a sound wave at the scarred one but it didn't work. "Shit it's ability is 'soundproof'" Neil was shocked. Espurr tried to stop the movements of the other Snovers but the avoided it by rolling into snow balls. The scarred one then released a huge burst of cold air at Zubat 'icy wind' Zubat nearly escaped but was dealt some damage. "These things aren't going down easily" Neil Said. The scarred snover then rolled into a snowball as well and combined with the others to become a huge snowball.
Espurr manages to escape and returned back to Neil. With the snow ball rushing towards them Neil ordered "Attack the ball with psybeam and supersonic together!" His Pokemon listened to him and attacked at the same time, their moves then combined to form 'supersonic psybeam' a beam of energy that confuses the target. The beam was slowing down the ball but didn't stop it. One by one the Snovers were falling off the snowball. "Just a little more" Neil cheered his Pokemon as they continued to attack. The snow ball was about to break, then all of a sudden the scarred snover emerged from the snowball and lunged towards Zubat with an ice covered fist. Neil screamed "Dodge it Zubat!" But it was too late the Snover slammed it's fist into Zubat knocking it out instantly.
"Sno sno snover" the scarred snover said exhausted. After returning Zubat into it's ball, Neil readied another pokeball. "Hey why don't you come with me, we can save your brother together and get the stone away from this mountain." Neil said trying convince the scarred snover. The other 4 snover came together to help the scarred one up. Espurr put the telepathic field up again the female snover spoke to the scarred one "Snare don't do it he may be lying to us" Neil angered by this "Hey missy am many things but am no liar!" Snare the scarred one then asked, "If I join you will you ensure the safety of my brother and my family?" "Of course" Neil said why offering the ball to snare. Snover having no other choice but to submit entered the ball on his own account. "Ok now let's go save your brother" Neil said as he the Snovers and Espurr headed towards the peak
Mt Burvine peak
Armando's unit Are cornered by a incomplete mega evolved abomnasnow. "Snow!!!!!" The deranged Pokemon yelled at the scientists. "Gyahhhhhh!" All the scientists were scared to death of the monster. "Hey stop that you over grown fern!" Neil yelled. "Professor!" All the scientists screamed in joy. " Am here to save you all!" Neil said getting his 3 pokeballs ready along with the 4 Snovers as back up. Neil's toughest battle was about to begin.
Thus the battle continues
Next time the plot unfolds. Till next time bye.

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