Chapter 12: Science vs Fantasy. The gym of fairy tales

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A field of flowers basking on the floor of an open field, countless beautiful girls running across it smiling and giggling, behind them is a man in a lab coat with purple hair chasing after them, in such a situation, men would have smiles on their faces as well, however in this case the man had a look of anger. "WHERE THE HELL IS LEXI!!!!!!" the man shouted with all his might... What could have happened to make him so mad.

3 hours earlier
Narcissus town
Contest hall
Neil's partner Espurr was engulfed in light, her form grew bigger her ears longer, and the most noticable change was to her fur which was now white with the tips of her ears being blue, her paws were blue as well as part of her tail. Her now yellow eyes looked at Neil while holding a tuff of blue fur on her neck.

He pick up his pokedex and searched.
Meowstic the constraint Pokemon and the evolved form of Espurr, it no longer holds it's psychic powers back and as a result it has become much stronger at using them.

"Meowstic huh? Well I guess it was bound to happen at some point" Neil said as he sighed

(You don't like my form master) meowstic said telepathically, her new voice sounded more mature than it did when she was an Espurr.

"Nah it's not that, am just going to miss the tiny you a bit" Neil said as he rubbed his head.

Meowstic swayed back and forth while smiling (he'll miss my old form.....he must have really liked me)

"Amazing.... anyway Neil you have another prize here" Hanji the commentator said.

"Oh really?" The young professor said as he was given a Pokemon egg in a silver container.

"This is an Eevee egg quite rare in the Tyron region, take good care of it" Hanji said as the crowd once again applauded.

"Thank you I will" Neil said as he recalled meowstic into her pokeball.

Narcissus town
Sweet shop
In a green and pink building with lots of banners on it were Neil and his Pokemon sitting on a bench next to the shop
As reward for all their hard work Neil was treating his Pokemon to some sweets.
Meowstic was licking a large lollipop with different colors spiraling in the middle, her expression was that of joy as her cheeks flushed.
Combusken was sipping on some lemonade while running around.
Snare the Snover was enjoying a bucket of blue mint ice cream.
Strangely his Golbat was eating something else...

"Open up" Neil said as he tossed a red cube into Golbat's mouth.

"Golgolggool" the giant bat chewed happily.

"Um sir could I ask what you're feeding your Pokemon?" The shop owner asked curiously
She was a middle aged woman with brown hair tied in a bun, wearing an apron.

"Oh these? I call them 'friendship cubes' made from friendship berries but without the side effects of lowering stats, made' em myself" Neil proclaimed with pride.

"Do you have some more? am willing to buy them for any price?" The shop owner said seeing a chance to benefit her shop.

Neil grinned at the opportunity and brought out 3 jars of the cubes and sold them for a hefty price. Even though he didn't like to admit it he appreciated his late father for teaching him the ways of trade.

On his way to the gym he saw a happy looking Cybil walk out, she seemed to be holding a small black object in her hand. As soon as she saw Neil her expression turned into an annoyed one, she hissed at him and walked out of town, Neil ignored that and went to get his 3rd gym badge.

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