Chapter 3: More than just a battle

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MT Burvine peak
Neil is disgusting by the beast. It's as if the abomnasnow was mega evolving but stopped midway, leaving some key features off it's humongous body. "Professor be careful that beast is out of control!" Armando cautiously told Neil. "got it" Neil sighed "sorry Snare but we'll have to do battle with your brother." Neil said to his pokeball.
"Alright Espurr, Zubat and Snare let's go" Neil shouted as he tossed 3 pokeballs into the air. With a pop an espurr,a zubat, and a snover appeared from within the balls. Snare the snover the newest addition to Neil's party was shocked to see his brother turning even more into a monster. (I will save you)snare thought to himself.
Neil ordered the 4 Snovers to evacuate the scientists so he could battle abomnasnow with no worry. "Ok now Snare use icy wind, Zubat supersonic go!" Neil commanded. Snare then released a huge gust of cold air at abomnasnow slowing down it's movements. Zubat proceeded to confuse it with it's voice. "Espurr stop it completely with confusion!" Neil shouted. Espurr's eyes began to glow blue as it stopped abomnasnow's movements completely. Neil then ran towards the monster. He had noticed the beast had a mega stone imbeded into it's chest.(by removing the stone I should be able to stop it once and for all) Neil thought, however as soon as he touched the stone he was sent flying backwards. "Iahhh!" Neil shouted as he felt pain in his finger tips, but he had no time as an enraged abomnasnow was about to pound him with a green fist 'wood hammer'. As Neil was about to get hit all 3 of his Pokemon pushed him out of the way tanking the hit for him. "Are you guys okay!?" Neil asked worried about his partners. It sure didn't look like it, all 3 of them were breathing heavily. If they lost Neil was as good as dead. Neil's feet were shivering not just because of the cold. "So this is a real Pokemon battle?" Neil said (this is what trainers go through. It's terrifying and exciting at the same time) "I won't lose here you hear me!" Neil reassured himself. (If I can't get the crystal the only thing left is to destroy it, what a waste). "Espurr psybeam, Zubat wing attack go" Neil commanded. Espurr then shot out a beam of energy at abomnasnow confusing it even more, while Zubat was landing hit after hit with it's wings. Yet abomnasnow kept it's arms folded trying to protect the stone. "Damn" Neil cursed "Snare to me" calling snover back. Snare looked at Neil "sno snover?". "I need you to stand by and charge up your ice punch,then wait for an opportunity to strike" Neil told him. Snare saluted Neil and began to charge up ice punch. Espurr and Zubat continued their onslaught on abomnasnow, but it began to suck in air "what" Neil couldn't comprehend it's actions. "Sahhhhhhh!!!!!!" Abomnasnow roared with ferocity unleashing a powerful blizzard hitting both Espurr and Zubat. Neil seeing an opening "now Snare! Go!" Ordered the snover to attack. Snare raced to abomnasnow at full speed dodging the blizzard and charge with ice punch. Abomnasnow couldn't grab snover cause it was smaller and faster than it. "Sno verrr!" Snare shouted as it landed a divestating ice punch on abomnasnow. "Snowwwww!" Abomnasnow cried out as the mega stone began to break. 'Creee!' the stone broke turning the deformed creature back into a regular abomnasnow. The battle was finally over.
Snare and it's friends who just returned hugged abomnasnow with tears in their eyes."what a sight" Neil said smiling holding both Espurr and Zubat in his arms. "A marvelous one indeed" a mysterious voice spoke to Neil, who quickly turned to see who it belonged to. "Who are you?" Neil asked addressing a red haired man in ninja attire( face mask, scarf, net clothing and all). "That doesn't matter I've got the information I came for. Master will be pleased. Good bye professor." the ninja said before vanishing. Neil was dumbfounded.
Neil reunited with Armando's unit. "Sorry guys I destroyed the mega stone" Neil apologized. "It's ok professor the crystals we gathered are full of mega power too. All we need to do is process it" Armando reassured Neil. As they were about to leave Neil stopped and sent out snare. "So now that you've saved your brother what are going to do. At that moment Abomnasnow and the Snovers pooed out of the snow. In their language they spoke "brother go with him. I'll make sure nothing bad happened to them" Abomnasnow told snare. Snare looked sad then the female snover held his arms and said "don't worry about us the next time you see us will be big and stronger than ever" Snare with a tear in it's eye "everyone! Thank you when I return I promise I'll be the strongest abomnasnow ever" he said this looking at his brother and they all laughed. Sadly all Neil heard was pokespeak. Snare returned to Neil, this being a sign that he wants to stay with him. "If that's your decision let's go" Neil smiled and fist bumped Snare. At that moment Tyra came to the mountain too. She was surprised to hear Neil did all that on his own. "Am so glad you're safe professor" Tyra said hugging Neil tightly "Come on Tyra let me go!" Neil protested with heavy blush on his face, making Armando and the others laugh as well.
Delta labs
As Armando is processing the mega power from the crystals a small earthquake happens. "Professor what's that?" Armando askes scared. Neil and Tyra rush to the basement and figure out it's the artificial Pokemon created by Neil 'Delta Mewtwo' it was a humanoid cat like creature, Neil was able to calm it down since it was created from his DNA as well as mew's. Sigh... "for a while I thought we would have to battle it" Neil said. "Well professor with your skills am sure you would beat it." Tyra flattered Neil. Neil could only turn away to hide his flustered face. "Oh! professor that gives me an idea why don't you go to Fescue city you may find some trainers to battle" Tyra suggested. "All of a sudden. Will you be okay here with Mewtwo?" Neil asked. "Don't worry about me, go train your Pokemon" Tyra said while shoving Neil out of the basement. Neil waved at Tyra as he left her in the basement he avoided the cell as he didn't want to meet the prisoner.
Fescue city
Neil was entering the city as he noticed a fellow trainer with black and red attire his Charizard and Drilbur looking pissed at something. Neil tried to avoid him but to no avail. "Hey bro do you think it's appropriate to be late to a meeting!" The trainer asked Neil, "um no I don't think it's right" Neil answered. "Damn right" the trainer said " by the way do you want to battle with me! It would help me calm down" the trainer asked once more. Neil couldn't say no and the proceeded to battle. "Drilbur go!" The trainer said. Drilbur came out to the field "drill". Neil took out his Pokedex
Drilbur:the mole Pokemon
On land it's slow but when it digs it can move at speeds of 30mph. It's claw are also used to break diamonds.
"I see. Snare I choose you!" Neil sent out his snover from the pokeball "snooverr!" A citizen acting as the referee began the match. "Drilbur use dig!" The trainer commanded and Drilbur did so. It shot towards snare. "Snare use your razor leaf to spring yourself upwards. Neil commanded. Snare shot out multiple leaves from it's arms and flew up just as Drilbur attacked from below. Drilbur got damage from the leaf attack. "Drilbur block it with your claws, then use metal claw" the trainer told Drilbur. Drilbur answered and did so, "drill" Drilbur jumped with it's claws glowing and slashed at Snare. Snare took damage "Snare counter with ice punch!" Neil ordered and Snare froze it's arm and slammed it into Drilbur's back. It then fell to the ground. "Don't let up use icy wind!" Neil told Snare who released the gust of chill air at Drilbur. "Dodge it!" The trainer cried but it was too late. Drilbur took the hit and fainted. The referee decided "Drilbur is unable to battle Neil wins the round. "Great work Snare" Neil praises his snover. "You did good Drilbur have some rest. Charizard your up!"the trainer ordered and a flying orange lizard with a weird stone on it's horn.
"Ok Snare one more time icy wind!" Neil commanded Snare shot out a gust but Charizard flew up. " Time to get serious Charizard mega evolve!" The trainer said as he pulled out his fake sword with a keystone on it. Charizard began to glow and transformed into mega Charizard x, it became a jet black dragon with blue flames. "Mega evolution! Am screwed!" Neil shouted. "flamethrower!"the trainer said. Before Neil could do anything Charizard x landed a flamethrower on snover knocking it out. The referee then said "Snover is unable to battle the mega trainer wins the round. One more round Neil was hesitant to send out Espurr but he did. "Espurr use psybeam!" Neil commanded. "esspurr!" Espurr said as she launched a psychic beam at Charizard x. "Charizard flamethrower!" The trainer said. The blue flames collided with the beam and over took it. The flamethrower hit Espurr and knocked it out immediately. The referee decided the winner at that moment, "Espurr is unable to battle. Neil has no Pokemon left them winner is the mega trainer!" " Oh yah we did it Charizard!" The trainer yelled. Neil went and picked up Espurr, "we lost..." Neil said feeling the weight of his lost.
With that done Neil has tasted victory and defeat, this will nurture him into trainer his meant to be. But more is yet to come as he faces team delta next time.

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