my hope // hosuh x depressed! reader

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Hosuh x Depressed! Reader
Angst then fluff at end 💥☁️
Hosuh comforts you!
Requested by: Milk_fanfics3624

I open my eyes.

My alarm clock reads 11:32 am.

I'm gonna be late for school... great.

I sit up slowly and shuffle to my bathroom. When I look at the mirror, I'm greeted with my reflection. My eyes are puffed from crying, my acne is coming back, and my hair is a mess. I sigh, there's not any reason to fix it.

I'm gonna die today.

I throw on a jacket and hide my bed head with my hood. As I walk into the hallway, I hear the TV running from the living room. Ah of course, my step-mother didn't even bother waking me up.

She notices me walking down the stairs and groans.

"Finally your lazy ass is up!" She exclaimed. "Get to school."

"But I'm already late," I say. I swiftly grab the pills from the cabinet and stuff them into my pocket.

"Shut up," She spat at me. "I don't want a worthless child crying in their room all day."

I roll my eyes while she sighs and hangs her head.

"What would Elliot think about this? I'm trying to make his kid not seem like a failure like himself? Your pathetic self just wont listen!"

I look away. "Don't you dare speak of him like that."

"Oh honey, I was his wife, can I not?" She laughs. She then shoves me outside and slams the door.

Well, the good news is that I'm not gonna see that monsterous face of hers anymore. As I'm walking I forge a doctor's note as an excuse for absence. I might as well break some rules while I'm still alive.

I walk into class and hand my teacher my "note". She gives me a look but dismissed me to my seat. I take a seat next to my friend Hosuh, one of the only people I feel guilty about leaving. I start working on the paper that's on my desk.

Hosuh looks away from his paper and whispers, "Hey, you ok (Y/N)? You're looking very pale."

I nod. I can't let him know. He means, way too much to me.

"I'm fine Hosuh," I say.

Hosuh reluctantly turns back to the worksheet. Throughout class he sneaks a few glances at me working.

When class is over, I rush to my locker and clean everything out. Sam my former friend, whispers to his stuck up friend group. I feel their overwhelming stares dagger into my back. Their mocking laughs echo in my ear.

"Oi! When will you die already?" Sam chuckled. "A kid of a murderer doesn't deserve a life."

My fist clenched tightly. "My father was not a murderer!"

"Aw, but didn't he shoot those people?"


Sam rolls his eyes. "Whatever loser," He says as he shoves me against the wall. He and his group walk away and I bow my head in silence.

Today is the day I get to join my father up above or wherever he ended up.

As I'm walking to the rooftop, I feel a strange aura behind me. Like, someone's following me. I turn around and no ones there.

I swear someone... nevermind. I need to get to the roof quickly.

I push open the door to the rooftop. I scan the area and no one is there. I sigh in relief and take out the pill container from my pocket. I unscrew the cap and hop onto the railing.

This is it. I look at the pills in my hand. I hesitated. But of course, I chugged it all down.

For a few moments I felt nothing. But then, my body began to feel weak. I smile and close my eyes.

Goodbye Stepmom, goodbye Sam, goodbye... Hosuh.

"(Y/N)! I heard a voice call out to me. In my final moment of consciousness, I'm in someone's arms. And with that, my world turned black.


I expected to wake up in another universe. Instead, I'm in a hospital. What? I open my eyes and look to the side. Hosuh is laying his head down next to me, asleep.

What happened? Why aren't I dead?

I move my legs causing Hosuh to wake up. He lifts his head up. When he sees me he starts tearing up and hugged my gently.

"(Y/N), what the hell do you think your doing!?" He cried out. "I knew something was up so I followed you to the rooftop."

He began to cry into my shoulder as I look at him in shock.

Guilt washed through me as I hug Hosuh back. I've been so selfish for myself I didn't even realize what Hosuh felt. All I've been is a whiny and ungrateful person.

"I'm so, so sorry Hosuh," I whisper softly.

"(Y/N) I thought I was going to lose you..." Hosuh said.

We tighten our embrace and hold each other.

"Please don't leave me again (Y/N), I, I love you," He whispers. "I understand that that's a lot coming from me but I hope you'll be ok with that?"

I smile and wipe the tears from his eyes.

"I'm perfectly fine with that Hosuh," I give him a small smile.

"I'll help you with whatever you're going through
(Y/N). We'll get through this together."

I nod into his neck.

Thank you for giving me hope.


Apologies to Milk_fanfics3624 ,
this chapter was hectic but I promise
I'll do better in the future :,)

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