mine // yan! daniel x shy! reader

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Yandere! Daniel x Shy! Reader }
um... idek what genre...
(Y/N) is attending a party
at Daniel's house. What happens when
they encounter a flirty stranger?
Requested by: youmakemyheartuwu

All of DanPlan was gathered at Daniel's house for a party. Which meant I had to deal with all the large crowd of people. Let's just say, I'm not good with that sort of thing.

Daniel and the others are gathered in the living room while I'm sitting on the couch, minding my own business. But then in walks this random guy who sits next to me and smiles. I've never seen him around before. Maybe Daniel's friend?

"Hey, what's your name love?" He asks as he scoots closer to me.

"Um... my name is (Y/N)..." I say shyly. I try to scoot back but he just scoots closer. "W-Who are you?"

"Jonah," He grins. "Remember my name because you'll be screaming it later~"

Ok, ok. This guy is a total creep. What should I do, what should I do, what should I do?

I start to get up. "Haha, nice to meet you, uh, Jonah. But I think I need to go refill my drink-"

But he grabs my hand and pins me to the wall, no chance of escape. Jonah licks his lips and looks me up and down.

"God damn, you're so fucking hot-"

Daniel walks into the living room. "(Y/N)! How's the part-"

We both look at him. Daniel's happy face turns into shock. He drops his drink on the floor then runs to Jonah and punches him to the ground.

"What the hell were you doing to (Y/N) Jonah?" Daniel asks, his breath ragged.

Jonah laughs. "They were too beautiful to resist~"

Dan's fist clenches. He looks at me and grabs my hand. Dan drags me to the kitchen with the other people.

"Stay here. I need to take care of something," He says to me then leaves.

I nod reluctantly.

I hope nothing bad happens...


Meanwhile with Dan...

That son of a bitch. How could he treat (Y/N) that way? They don't deserve someone who will harass them. They deserve someone better, someone who won't be with them for their looks. Someone, like me.

Don't worry (Y/N), I won't let Jonah lay a finger on you.

When I get back to the living room, I see Jonah standing there, grinning smugly. I crack my knuckles and give him a death glare.

"Ha, you think your fat ass can win over (Y/N)? They're probably into better AND good looking men such as myself.

Oh, this guy is going down, down. I hurl a fist at him, he crumbles onto the floor.

Ok, weaker then I thought.

He slowly gets crawls to me but I step on his head.

"I want you to apologize to (Y/N)."

"Why the hell would I- AGH!"

"If you decline my offer, I'll crush your head."

He looks up at me in fear.

"Listen, (Y/N) is mine. If you try to come close to them, I'll kill you. Got that?" I start stepping harder and harder.

"OK OK IM SORRY!" He panics.

I grab him by his shirt and lift him to his feet. He quickly bows to me and rushes into the kitchen.

If we weren't at a party, I wouldn't have hesitated to kill him right then and there.


As I'm talking with Hosuh, I see Jonah run at me. His face was all beaten up and his nose was running with blood. I see Daniel following close behind him, with a dead expression.

What went down?


I jump back, startled. "Um, it's ok... just don't do that to anyone else again. It's very creepy."

"UNDERSTOOD!" Jonah exclaims. When he walks away, he and Daniel share a look which made Jonah scurry back to the dining room.

I turn back to Daniel and sigh.

"Thanks Dan, I don't know what you did but thank you. I really appreciate it!" I smile and peck his cheek.

He turns bright red but smiles back. "You're welcome!"

We talk for the rest of the night, with him never leaving my side. He was stuck to me like a personal bodyguard. Dan helped me meet some new people and well, party!

Before drifting off to sleep, I remember Dan hugging me tightly. I laugh softly and snuggle into his arms. This party turned out to be better than expected :)

Idk why, but I just
felt awkward writing this.
Maybe it's bc I used my
ex-crush's name as the

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