love at first sight // tsu! stephen x flirty! reader

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Tsundere! Stephen x Flirty! Reader }
fluff ☁️
Stephen is a teacher at a daycare. Let's just say he encounters a flirty stranger during pickup time.
Requested by: youmakemyheartuwu

"Mr. Stephen! I think my sibling is here!"

Stephen looks up from cleaning and sees a figure walking toward them. They walk to the gate and smile at Hinata, their younger brother who was eager to see them.

"Hey, lil' bro! Time to go home!" They smiled.

"Ok (Y/N)!" Hinata happily cheers. "Oh! Mr. Stephen! I'd like you to meet my older sibling, (Y/N) (L/N)!"

Stephen and (Y/N) stare at each other. Their eyes meet a spark flies between them. It was a sudden feeling that made Stephen drawn to (Y/N). They grin at Stephen and wave.

"Oh, oh, oh! I need to go grab my stuff from my cubby first!" Hinata calls out to them before running away.

The two adults stare at the child while he pushes his way through the other kids to get his backpack.

"Hinata seems really excited to see you," Stephen laughs.

(Y/N) smiles. "Yeah, I'm practically his mother. Even though he's my brother. Our mom ain't around anymore."

Stephen's smile falters slightly. "Sorry, I didn't know."

(Y/N) panics. "Ah, it's not like that! Our mom became a drunk and an overall unstable person. I couldn't stand Hinata being in the hands of that lady. So, we left."

Stephen nods.

"Say, did you by any chance... felt something when you looked at me?" He asks.

(Y/N) eyes widen. "You felt it too!? That must mean we are in love with each other!"

Stephen tensed up. "What the heck!?" He screamed internally.

(Y/N) rolls their eyes and laughs quietly. "Gahhh~ You're blushing so hard fu, fu, fu!"

"S-Shut up! You have no right to say that dirty prick!"

"Oh come on! Haven't you watched any anime in your life!? Love at first sight!? Soulmates!? Ever heard of it?"

Stephen groans. "Yeah, I heard of it. But I'm definitely not spending my life with you."

(Y/N) Aoyama poses. "Why wouldn't you? I'll cook for you, take care of you, welcome you home when you get back home from work..."

As (Y/N) continues naming reasons, Stephen noticed how soft their lips looked and their captivating eyes. Stephen inches closer to them and gets curious.

"I wonder what their lips feel like..."

He places a finger on their lips. Time seemed to freeze as they both blush and stare into each other eyes like before. They couldn't seem to turn away or break their gaze. There was a connection between the two that made them not want to leave each other.

However, their "moment" was interrupted by someone kicking Stephen in the groin which caused him to crumble to the ground.

"Mr. Stephen! Why are you touching my sibling's lips!?" Hinata demands.

"Bud, calm down, don't hurt your future brother-in-law!" (Y/N) laughs.

Stephen and Hinata's mouth gasped open at the statement she just said. "WHAT!?" They scream in unison.

"You heard me right!" (Y/N) grabs onto Hinata's hand. "Chao future husband! I'll see you again!"

"Shut up weirdo!" Stephen screamed at them as they walked out the door.

Once they were gone, Stephen pressed his finger against his lips and smiles.

"Maybe I will see you again, future lover."


Man, these oneshot
ideas really want me to make
them into actual stories.
Well, if people are interested
I might as well.
Let me know if you want me to continue
a oneshot, I'll try to do it!

Also, holy crap guys!
Already 100+ reads and I started
2 days ago wow :0

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