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katsuki wanted to train. he wanted to be back at UA with his class. he wanted to be able to train with them. and be ahead of them.

katsuki wanted to be strong. but all he felt was his slowly draining energy, and the want for things he currently can't have.

katsuki felt hopeless. three days away from UA, and he feels like he'll never get to go back.

what if his dreams are lost? and these stupid flowers, are the reason. katsuki couldn't believe that he's going through so much shit, all because there are flowers growing in his chest.

katsuki didn't understand it. and he's not sure he wanted to.

there's actually so much katsuki doesn't understand. and he wants to. he wants to understand why kirishima is so concerned for him. he wants to know why the shark boy hangs out with him.

because if katsuki were him, he wouldn't. he wouldn't look in his own direction.

sometimes katsuki thinks of himself the way he thinks about deku. like a sickness that people can't shake off.

but in the end, katsuki thinks he'll feel better when he's a pro hero.

because then, people will need him, right?


"katsuki! can you come down here!" dads voice called up the stairs.

katsuki groaned, but got out of bed nonetheless. he went downstairs as slowly as he could. hoping to avoid whatever they were about to talk about.

"katsuki, have a seat." mom said, motioning to the couch she was sitting on.

katsuki furrowed his eyebrows. "what the fuck? why?" he felt defensive. this couldn't be a conversation katsuki would like.

"just sit down." mom said. her voice lacked patience. so katsuki sat.

"your principle just called. and he thinks that it would be best if we talked about moving you to class 1b." mom started, causing katsuki to choke on air. "listen katsuki. you can't exactly stay in 1a and continue training if you can't take the medicine. because the flowers...they'll only get worse. and i don't want another incident like last time happening again. or worse."

class 1b.


katsuki felt his mind go blank at the thought. there's no one in class 1b that could challenge katsuki. he'd be bored all the time.

katsuki liked his class. he had friends. well, kind of. but katsuki didn't want to move classes. he didn't want to leave kirishima. even though he knew it was the only option.

"katsuki?" dads voice cut through his thoughts. "you look a little distressed."

katsuki took a deep breath. and tried to focus on the conversation.

how could he move to class 1b? they're a bunch of weak nerds. katsuki can't handle any more weak nerds than the ones he has already. he doesn't want to.

"no." he stated firmly, setting his jaw. he won't move classes. he can't. he just can't. and katsuki can't properly explain why.

mom sighed "katsuki, you have no other choice. we don't want you to move either. but it's the only way you can train."

"we don't want you to lose your dream because you can't stay in class 1a." dad added his input, and katsuki felt really stupid.

he was being a baby. he just needed to suck it up. training was all hat mattered, right? that's what katsuki would've said before coming to UA. but now katsuki had other things he wanted too.

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