Ways To Help

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In "The World Is Blue," Sylvia Earle, ocean advocate and national geographic explorer -and in my opinion, the most badass woman to exist since Joan of Arc- calls for individuals to use their own skills to help contribute to the ocean. Good at writing? Use that! Awesome with a camera? Use that! Got a green thumb? Start planting!

We all have unique skills individual to ourselves that we can contribute to help save our oceans.

Here are five creative ways to protect the ocean;

1. Bring your own to-go containers to restaurants. Whenever we have leftovers, we make waiters bring us containers which are typically plastic or styrofoam. To reduce waste in landfills -which usually ends up in our oceans- bring your own! Once you get used to the skeptical stares then it's not so bad, and bonus; you're saving our oceans!!

2. Stop eating candies wrapped in plastic. Let's be honest, we are ALL suckers for Snickers, BUT these sweet candies are wrapped in not-so-sweet plastic wrappers. Avoiding them will save a seagulls gut from crapping out and keep a fish breathing happy. That doesn't mean avoiding these plastic-wrapped candies is the end of your sugar-cravings. There are other chocolates in the sea! Ever since I found out how massive our plastic problem is, I've started buying "Endangered Species Chocolate." They come in easily biodegradable paper wrappers, which are SO much better for our environment! Not only can you enjoy a bar of eco-friendly, better quality chocolate, but 10% of all proceeds help preserve endangered species. While you binge on " Espresso Bean" and "Extreme Dark Chocolate" bars, you are helping to save animals. How awesome is that!?

3. Search for eco-friendly tea brands. If you're a tea-addict such as I am, then you probably go through an entire box of tea a week. Just me? Okay... I used to feel really guilty about being such a consumer, but then I found the tea company that saved my life -or the life of a sea creature I should say. Yogi tea company had biodegradable tea bags; it comes in a cardboard box and the tea bags are compostable! If you heed my advice (the ocean thanks you if you do) then get the Honey Lavender Stress Relief. Works miracles on the nerves! 

4. Stop using plastic cups or buying water bottles! Seriously, I don't understand why people use so. much. waterbottles. Investing twenty dollars in a reusable bottle saves you so much more money in the long run. Every plastic water bottle costs roughly $1-2, and that adds up. I understand its hard if you don't have a water filter in your home, or your parents buy water bottles. But hey, you have a voice! Speak your concerns to your parents, and if you don't have a water filter, then you should get one. Some are really inexpensive. 

5. Stop smoking!! Not to guilt you smokers or anything, but you're killing our oceans. And I oop-

But seriously, do yourself and the ocean a favor and quit. During a research project, it was discovered that the #1 waste in our oceans is cigarettes!! If you can't find the motivation to stop for your own personal good, then use the greater good of our environment to quit. I know it's hard, addiction is so difficult to overcome, but it's totally possible.

I hope these five tips spoke to you, and that you've decided to start practicing some! I will be releasing new ideas every couple of weeks. Give these a try, and feel good about yourself. You are saving our oceans.

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