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Lana almost jumps out of her seat with excitement when she sees the car in front of her begin to move. She gets ready to hit the pedal and finally thank Lord for giving her the luck she needed to get her through the remainder of the day after all the shit that had happened.

She presses down on the pedal, only to take her foot straight back off once her car moves barely an inch before having to stop again. Lana curses, as if that would help the situation - although it was definitely worth a try. She finds herself curiously looking over to the red car next to her, still sadly exactly in line with her car. 

The boy was now on the phone to someone, smiling as he spoke. Lana figured he was probably on the phone to some girl he was planning on seeing once he got out of this traffic jam, since Mr Asshole's always have girls to see and things to 'take care of'. Lana was so bored that she even began to find herself curious about the boy and wanting to know more about him. God, the heat was surely getting to her head. 

The boy hangs up the phone, throwing his iPhone onto the seat beside him before tapping on his steering wheel a few times; Lana was still intently watching the boy as if she couldn't take her eyes off of him. He's just so pretty, she thought to herself. How could someone so good looking be such a dickhead?

The boy interrupts Lana's thoughts, causing her to jump once she had been caught. "You should just take a picture, sweetheart."

Lana scoffs, his pretty face ruined by his lack of personality. "Maybe I will. I'll ask my boss if I can put it in a column of the next issue. I can see it now: 'World's biggest twat with a great jawline'."

Lana figured her lack of creativity when it came to headlines must be the reason she still hadn't been promoted in her job. Lana had always wanetd to be a writer, she found the ability to expression her opinions through writing was always something she had enjoyed for as young as she could remember.

"Hold on," The boy furrows his eyebrows, "you work for a magazine?"

Lana sighs, not really knowing how to respond to the question. She was kind of embarrassed to tell the boy that she's just in an intern who fetches coffee and tea all day - but she had no reason to care about what this boy thought about her. Besides, at least she was doing something with her life - she wasn't sure she wanted to know what this boy does for a living.

"Well, kind of," Lana shrugs, leaning against the rim of the open window, "I'm an intern for VOGUE."

The boy nods, impressed. "I've done a few shoots with them before. I figured you looked familiar from somewhere."

Lana was alarmed when he had mentioned shooting for such a big company like VOGUE, although it suddenly hit her who this guy is. He was some dude in some band that she didn't really care about, but had been on set during their photoshoot - something involving the boys holding rabbits or some shit. She knew this because she was on set as the girl who had to feed the rabbits.

"Oh right," Lana says unethusiastically - suddenly feeling awkward that this guy was all famous and she was just some coffee fetcher. "You're in that band."

The boy chuckles, shaking his head. "Ususally girls are a little more impressed by the idea, sweetheart." The boy pauses and looks to Lana, tilting his head to the side. "Are you, like, gay or something?"

Lana scoffs at his question, realizing that this guy got more big headed as the minutes went on. She never should have opened her mouth to begin talking to him again. How could he possibly think that if a girl doesn't find him attractive - she's gay? That makes no sense. She had seen many divas come in and out of the office before, but not once a guy with such a big ego.

"No," Lana plainly says, "but my type is anything other than you."

He smiles again, before faking an overdramatised hurt expression on his face. "Damn, I'm hurt."

"I'm Lana," She mocks, "not so nice to meet you."

The boy chuckles one again, although Lana was really intending to be funny. She kind of wanted the boy to stop talking to her, although there was something interesting about him which intruged her to want to know more about him.

"Lana sounds like banana." He says, as if he's analysing the name. Lana figured this boy wasn't the smartest guy on the planet either. "I'm  Calum."

"Is this the part where you tell me that I should remember the name since I'm going to be screaming it later?" Lana raises an eyebrow and questions Calum, as a wide grin spreads across his cheeks almost as if the words had been taken right out of his mouth. Lana found it shocking how predictable men could be nowadays.

"No," The boy chuckles, running a hand through his messy hair. "This is the part where you admit that you have nothing better to do for the next however many hours and you want someone to talk to."

Lana scoffs, before allowing a small smile to tug at her lips - even though she was still unimpressed by the boy, he was right. She was bored as fuck and really had nothing else to do. Perhaps distraction was what she needed. "Fine, but if you bore me I'm going to turn to my right and talk to the man in the truck beside me listening to Lady Gaga."


ok this sucks but i wanted to quickly update haha next chapter is where theyll actually start talking and finding out stuff blah blah

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